Everything is going very well,
3 weeks since I flipped to 12/12 and they have just about finished their stretch. Flipped on the night of the 1st of February
Buds are coming in fast and furious.
I also thought I'd throw in a couple pics of my light set up.
I have three King LED 2000w but it was hard to back out and show the third.
I absolutely LOVE these lights even more than my MH!
Also have some "spot" LED strips for the uncovered areas which is rotated daily with the ones under the king led's.
A note about the guy standing in the corner;
each week I have him stand in that same spot to show how much they have grown.
I'm pretty sure I took a picture of each of the 16 plants.
Granddaddy Purples are blooming the fastest and stacking quickly followed by the Purple Haze and Purple Kush is blooming last.
They are drinking a LOT now.
Using tiger bloom 3 tsp per gallon every other watering.
Humidity is around 55 percent but keeping an eye on it due to the evaporation it goes much higher I'll flip on the dehumidifier.