I reduced nutrients. Powdery mildew is continuing and getting slightly worse. I sprayed it with an apple cider vinegar mix. Hopefully that helps.
The smell on the flower is really incredible. Smells berry like, and clean.
I opened all vents in tent and have been leaving the window slightly open as well. Heater is keeping up ok. Even in the cold nights it’s keeping it at 66F with everything open.
The leaves went crazy refilling the canopy. I’ve been pinching off some of the longer leaves and some that had mildew. The buds look good. Trichomes are cloudy enough yet, but it’s getting close. I’m gonna err on an earlier harvest, if the powdery mildew continues.
I’m making some LAB from KNF, along with other natural fertilizers. If the vinegar solution doesn’t help, I’ll try that when it’s ready. Excited to try KNF on my outdoor garden and lawn. Planning on growing a couple canna plants outside this year. Gonna keep my outdoor as organic and natural as I can.
The clone is doing well. The areas that I knuckled are strong now. Looks like biceps. Powdery mildew seemed to get this plant worse than the other. I’ve been wiping it off with my fingers as I see it, and finally treated with the vinegar solution too. I increased its feed to week two of medium gh feed chart. Expecting a lot of growth this week even with little light.
Getting my dry closet ready as well. Got another humidity controller and an upgraded temp controller with Wi-Fi. Gonna dry one more time inside my house. It’s dry enough inside that I should only need a humidifier to keep it right. Need to get another one before I harvest and then should have everything. I used grove bags last time to cure and will never use anything else.
Ordered another cheap TDS meter. The one I had got dropped in the solution.
Update: 2/11
The apple cider vinegar definitely cleared the powdery mildew up, but I found a few spots I think I missed directly in the middle of the large plant. I don’t see anything on the clone. I’ll reapply in a few days and pay closer attention to the middle of the plant.