Durante esta semana solamente haré pulverizaciones con Rootbastic foliarmente y un pH controlado de 6.0.
El ciclo de luz va a ser de 6h Luz y 2h de Oscuridad. Total en 24h: 18 luz 6 Oscuridad
Uso un sustrato light mix de Atami.
Le agregare trichodermas para mejor absorción de agua y nutrientes por parte de la planta.
Alguien sabe por qué la floración va tan lenta y las flores son tan pequeñas? Puede ser sobrealimentación o falta de luz? El pH de drenaje me sale a 5.4 , creo que es bajo y la EC de drenaje está en 4000.
@420DeepGrow, Hey friend, This is deffinately a workable idea to help light get get to more parts of the plant. Good work friend, I will send you some very detailed links to defoliation techniques we use then hopefully my videos will help you too. Those plants look great keep up the amazing work and do the dry and cure right you will for sure be rewarded with a great joint and lots more!
@LegacyMarketFarm, si miras mi última foto, estoy usando mi propia técnica para que penetre más luz, simplemente acomodo las hojas en lugar de cortarlas.... Que te parece?
@LegacyMarketFarm, gracias por todo y si, seguro que más adelante me atrevo a defoliacion y otras técnicas, pero tengo muchas ganas de fumar un buen porro y no quiero mandarme graves errores. Seguro estaré en contacto contigo para cualquier duda y apoyo.
Slowly start tapering down the humidity. Also if you don't have them already get yourself a PAR meter and a Thermal Laser Gun so you can read the temperature of your plants and get the full potential from your lights. Your Veg. temperatures seem nice and tight. Once you get to weeks 4-6 of flower you will want to open your temperature gaps more than 10 degrees during lights on and off. Just watch for them to finish their vertical growth first. Or else it will cause them to stretch if you time it wrong.
The only other recommendation I could give is if you have not already researched VPD " Vapor Pressure Deficit" and how it relates to growing cannabis.
@420DeepGrow, Thank you so much friend for those kind words it means so much to hear from you that we have your support. Each and every person who supports this goal and dream of mine is helping me achieve it. I cannot express my gratitude enough for that, The least I can do is provide the community with in-depth great video content and tutorials to help all levels of growers get better at what they love to do. I even get to learn along the way as well which is great. So thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
@420DeepGrow, No problem friend it is great to have your support. I look forward to the sharing of information I truly believe there is so much to learn about cannabis and so many variables that not any one single person can perfect growing it. It will take collaboration and teamwork amongst many growers to reach that end point of the evolution of perfecting the growing of cannabis and I hope to help that happen.
@LegacyMarketFarm, muchas gracias amigo, seguro vamos a compartir muchos conocimientos sobre el tema, mi familia cultiva en exterior desde hace más de 40 años. Tengo algunas semillas del año 1994 - 2000, creo que voy a mirar si tengo suerte y germina alguna semilla. Eran marihuanas con sabor a campo, a hierbas de la montaña.... Difícil pero no imposible. Gracias de nuevo por lo del CO2