
Bonus Seeds

2 years ago
Jack Herer Auto
Arándano Auto
Room Type
weeks 4-6
weeks 7
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
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Grow Questions
hellomynameisstarted grow question 3 years ago
Some leaves turn from green to light green to yelleow almost white. Begining from the edges to the core. Veins turn light green too. Rusty spots appear and leave edges and tip curl upwards. In the last state leaves get brittle and drop. Thanks in Advance.
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Pale
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
that's a tricky one, I have not seen that type of markings on the leaves before. If we break it down bit by bit we might be able to come up with a solution/plan to help get this on track again. First thing, the leaves curling up is signs of Heat stress. I would try and lower your growing environments temp by 5c if possible get it in the range of 24-27c. Could try and increase the airflow though the tent if its an option. Next up the RH, given that your starting to enter flower you want to get that RH a bit lower. It's not crazy important right now but in two weeks time it will be. Ideal range is around 45% in flower, try to get it down a bit by using dehumidifiers or extra airflow though the tent like above with the heat. thrid point the lights, I've also had some nutrient looking burn like damage on my grow and I thought I was overfeeding them, it turns out the light was to close for the plant. Your light is at 30cm, and you may want to bring that light up a bit. Autos don't like super high intensity unless the other environmentals are locked in. I'd try and move it to aorund 35-45cm, the PPFD map on its product page suggests the min in 12" and the max is 18" but you can go as high as 25" in seedling stage. PPFD is a measurement of how intense the light is, its a lot like PAR maps if you are familiar with them. Net stop is your PH/EC. Any time I see weird unrecognized patterns on leafs it normally has something to do with the root zone in terms of PH/EC or a disease. I do not think your plants are diseased so I will focus on the PH and EC. Have your been monitoring your PH of the water going into the medium or the medium? Its true soil tends to govern itself in terms of PH but that only when its not being bombarded with excess nutrients. I think your PH is out of wack from the amount of nutrients you have been giving them. Next part same subject. your EC, EC stands for Electrical Conductivity, its a measurement of how easy electricity can pass though the solution. It is a stand method of confirm the strength or concentration of your nutrient solution. If this is to high it causes all sorts of issues in the plant. It messes with its homeostasis. This can also be called salt build up. I think because your feeding has been unchecked by a TDS pen, that measure the solutions EC it is crazy high in the soil and causing the majority of these issues. Nutrients are the last part, Your useing BioBizz and that stuff tends to like to be in a solution of PH aorund 6.2. It will also drift down in PH as it sits out. its best to mix the solution up and let it sit out over night for 12hrs then adjust the PH if needed. This will be after balancing out the EC of the solution. PH down can increase the EC as well. But I do not think it will be that big of a problem. In your earlier stages of the grow it looks like you had some issues with overwatering as well. So will want to keep and eye on that. Overwater = droopy leaves with stiff stems attaching them to the stalk. Underwater = droopy leaves and droopy stems attaching them to the stalk. If this was my grow, I would invest in a good PH pen and TDS pen "ec pen", asap. get them today if possible or borrow a buddies. Make a mental note they do require calibration. I would also flush the medium with a lot of water, just water and PH it to 6.2-6.5, this is BioBizz's ph range it likes. If it was hydro, PH would be 5.8 for vegging plants. diffrent PH for different grow styles. Make a note that when flushing soil is it very easy to water log the roots if their is any way to help extract the extra moisture out try it. I hate flushing soil but this one may need it, the feeding ammounts seem crazy high to me, but I could be wrong, this is where the EC will come in handy. I would also move the light up to 45cm and increase the airflow into the tent via the inline extractor fan if you have one. Start their and see how they improve. Best Of Luck and Happy Growing.

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Jarooooonweek 2
Happy growing! I wish you the best of luck! 😊🍀🌱🌷
Noxe7week 8
Es un bloqueo, calibra el medidor de pH si es correcto y la temperatura del agua es entre 20 -22 grados debes arrastrar o romper sales porque tienen las raizes sales solidificadas utiliza un producto adecuado para ello que drenen 300 ml yo utilizo otro método para prevenir los bloqueos el que te he mencionado es un clásico aunque a mí no me gusta hacerlo utilizo otro método pero un poco más difícil de entender Un saludo amigo Much løve 💚
@Noxe7, true, i just busted a blockage by a big water flush then a nutrient feeding. Now the problem is in the past! :)
love_2_growweek 2
Best of luck with your grow, buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Kynarethweek 2
plants looking great
Fast_Budsweek 13
Hey there, Thanks a bunch for growing our genetics, and sharing this diary with us :) We hope that it was a nice experience, and that you enjoy the harvest! Have a good one
MyWifeSaysIcanDateUweek 13
Ya i would say the RH, i dont agree with the above temperature change, but keep your plants in veg at 70%RH then in flower around 45-50%RH. THe temp and RH tend to go hand and hand though. it depends on which region you live in but i have 40-50%RH on my flower tent WITH my humidifier and a bowl of water/sponges. The markings on your leaves are from over or under watering,or too many nutrients so just let the plant tell you when its thirsty by soil dryness or at a more advanced stage, if your leaves are wilting. ALSO i just had a plant i bought at 2 weeks old recently transplanted into my garden with a 5 gallon pot (foxfarm ocean blend medium). The Leaves were yellow and curled up lenght and width wise. i put a plastic bag with holes in it over the plant and secured it with elastic bands to around the pot. I pumped the bag up with nutrient water mist and let it hang out for the night. i just came back this morning and its now lush green and its leaves are starting to flatten and stand at attention. Anyways i hope some of that helps! best of luck my friend! Sincerely, MyWifeSaysIcanDateU
CannabisRomaniaweek 13
Looking good...amazing job👌