
2nd Grow/ 1st Auto Flower

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 7, 9
Grow medium
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
0.45 L
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
White Widow Autoflower
Avg. success
ILGM - 87%
White Widow Autoflower - 83%
Commented by
Lemon_Honey_420 Lemon_Honey_420
3 years ago
wet paper towel in a pyrex container. changed the paper towel after two days with a fresh/wet paper towel
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Lemon_Honey_420commentedweek 43 years ago
Installed a 6" intake fan which lowered the overall temp about 5 degrees and now have all flaps closed.
Elodincommentedweek 43 years ago
Hey growmie 👋 I saw that this is your second Grow so I assume you’d like some constructive feedback on how to improve. First off; I saw that you started with wet paper method - so far so good - but after that you transplanted the seedlings to a tray before planting them in their pots later. Transplanting is totally fine with photoperiod plants but I would strongly advise not to it with Auto plants. Transplanting is very stressful for a plant especially in such a short succession. With Autos this usually leads to stunted growth and since Autos work like a ticking bomb with a short fuse to flower this will have a high impact on your yield. Next time I’d suggest you do paper towel and then transplant it straight into it’s final pot to minimize stress. I‘m not happy with the drooping leaves at all! That’s not a good sign and you should figure out why it happens as soon as possible to prevent things from going south. My first guess would be that you’re overwatering but only you can judge that. Stick your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle and feel if it’s moist. If wet soil sticks to your finger when you pull it out then do not water. The roots of your plants need oxygen too or your plants will literally drown. I hope you found this to be helpful, let me know if you have any questions. Best of luck with your grow!
Elodincommented3 years ago
@Lemon_Honey_420, I wouldn’t recommend increasing the light time in flowering as that can stress the plant. With Autos you usually just stick to the schedule that you use in vegetation. Some people do 18, some 20 and some are even using 24 hours of light but it’ll always be the same duration throughout the Grow. Try to see it like how much gas you use in a car. If you do 18 hours your plant grows a bit slower but it’s also more forgiving when things go wrong. When you do 24 hours however, racing at full speed, your plant will be more much more susceptible to mistakes you might make. So for beginners 18 hours is perfect! Once you figured everything out and know how to quickly spot and react to mistakes you can do 20 or even 24 in your next grow.
Lemon_Honey_420commented3 years ago
@Elodin, quick question. When your autoflowers go in to flowering do you kick your lights up to 24hr or keep it at 18hrs. I’ve read you can push them but wasn’t sure.
Elodincommented3 years ago
@Lemon_Honey_420, Sometimes it’s hard to do nothing at all. With my first plants I always overwatered too but sometimes less is more :) If you’re like me and want something to spend more time with your plants, I like to gently tap young plants with my finger, slightly wiggling the plant. Hardens them off a bit and they are more resilient. All the best 🖖
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Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
good grow
lota0534commentedweek 113 years ago
hello, would you have any problem harvesting with these 73 days?
Lemon_Honey_420commented3 years ago
@lota0534, i just harvested yesterday. day 79 week 12
lota0534commentedweek 93 years ago
nice, how many more weeks do you think for them?
Lemon_Honey_420commented3 years ago
@lota0534, roughly 3.
Ganja4Showcommentedweek 93 years ago
Wonderful Grow, Keep it up