Great citrus-kush flavour. Lemon pledge-like. Weed is strong but not debilitating. I find it to be very relaxing but without the wipeout factor of a heavy Indica. A very delicious smoke.
Great beams. Solid buds and much less larf on the plant as this light seemed to penetrate more deeply into the lower branches; much more so than my previous setup.
As usual, a few challenges and missteps along the way, but pretty happy with this grow in the end.
The strain proved to be pretty resilient given I overfed the crap out of her for several weeks as my EC meter was out of calibration. Overall growth may have been somewhat stunted but still resulted in some of the hardest buds I've grown to date - thanks in large part to the upgraded lighting.
Hey Stun! Just read your reply regarding Kelp.
That might be very true, but what Ive also noticed giving even little too much too early causes stunted/midget growth. But this can be used as an advantage later on when the stretch phase is bout to begin. By then little overdoing kelp should inhibit the stretch and result should be tighter node spacing.
I also just fired up new DWC plant (diarys not up yet tho) but mixed Kelp in her first res and noticed how shes growing a bit abnormally.
@Verbalist, I know Kelp has its advantages, but at this point I'm ok without having it in the mix. I honestly can't say I noticed any huge benefit to using it as opposed to other grows where I didn't. All the best with your grows. I'll be peaking in to see how they progress 👍
Very impressive grow man. What temp is your water bro? I know it says 19c but tat would be best impossible if your canopy lvl is 30c mine is only 26.5 and my water temp nvr drops below 22 with contanst frozen glass bottles added and PH'ed ice. If it is 19c how do you get it to stay at that level. Need all the tips I can get thanks.
@StunFlower, They work well, the hot air sometimes still can heat up the water, but the coolers are thick. If I use colder water to top off the reservoirs I rarely get over 68f (20c).
@gottagrowsometime, try to keep your pump under your canopy, that will drop your temps a lot.
@gottagrowsometime, My water temps stay pretty manageable during the winter months (I'm in Canada). I'm setup in the basement and the concrete floor stays pretty cool which helps with temps in the buckets. My exhaust fan is also vented to the outdoors which helps keep the residual heat out of the grow space. I've also wrapped my buckets with black and white poly film. It does a great job of reflecting/blocking light. During the summer months it can be a struggle. My water temps will get up to 22c.
@Oozle grows in coolers which is an ingenious way to manage temps in DWC.
Good luck with your grows! 👊