Happy gardening; everything looks great. I hope they stop their streatch, or I'll run out head height. I did a leave strip and removed all lower growth this week. Plus, add an extra fan inside the tent... done a top-up of sump tank as there drank close to 30 lts in last week and i did more removal of lower suckers and any leaves with purple stems... Day 18 or 20 in flower
@Valleywestbuds, never done before 1st time drying this way... ihave seen this done on YouTube only...yes I did a 1 week flush water only....I will be doin the again 😀 was great way to do a long slow dry...
@clovergarden, have you done this before? Did you do a flush before you stopped watering? I'm interested in trying this in the future once I build up a good personal stash.