Day 1: Paper towel method was used. Made sure plastic container stayed in a dark and warm place.
Day 2: Seed has cracked but no tail yet.
Day 3: Started to worry seed won’t germinate so top tissue paper was replaced with new dry one. Used warm water to wet the new paper towel. After 12 hrs crack in seed got wider little tail started to appear.
Day 4: Repeated method used in Day 3. Warm water used on new paper towel.
Day 5: Germinated seed placed in jiffy peat pellet and placed in propagator.
Day 6: no change yet. Put propagator in window for sunlight.
Day 7: no change so decided to intervene. Checked to see if seed cracked. Slowly removed the remaining shell. Covered with soil.
Day 8: Seed has sprouted. Put propagator under the sun for 9 hrs, and after it stsrted to open its first leaves.
Day 9: She’s enjoying the sun.
Day 10: Last day in the sun. Soil mix prepared and washed with water (ph 6.5). Transfer to 15L fabric pot tomorrow.
@FullTankGardens, looking forward for the flowering stage now. But plant needed no extra help and is now growing by the second. Good luck with your grow! :)