
Disney Princesses

6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
GH Floranova grow
0.264 ml/l
GH Bioroot
0.317 ml/l
GH CaMg+
1.321 ml/l
Commented by
GreenTartan GreenTartan
6 years ago
day 22 from seed The princesses are a little small for my liking, but they've been stressed for some reason. They were starting to turn yellow, so they went immediately into 3gal pots with 320ppm of nutes. It's been a few days and looks as though they have recovered from the transplant. fought long and hard with temps yesterday during this heat wave we're having. my ventilation setup is really wonky at the moment as I have a 4x4 and a 3x3 where the 3x3 requires way more air flow to cool the flowering girls and not so much in the 4x4 that's just vegging (cant swap tents either) .. ended up getting a new 6" vortex which is hooked up to the 3x3 now, and the 4" is in the 4x4. reason being .. I have 2x600w leds in the 3x3 (overkill) .. same lights that will be in the 4x4 when the princesses are ready to flower. my room: is tents within a semi sealed room. the room has 1 4" intake ducted to a 6" pre filter and just dumps are into the room. for exhaust, I have a 4" and a 6", everything else is pretty well sealed. all corners and edges have been caulked, the door seals tight with very minimal air passage on the bottom (stuff a towel at the base of the door when I close the door). I plugged the 4" exhaust and am venting the humid air from the 4x4 veg directly into the room so that the hot 3x3 RH goes from 30% up to a steady 43% since im pulling 320cfm from it - filter cfm loss. main house temps avg 80°f, inside the room avg 77°f, 3x3 avg 82°f, 4x4 avg 78°f .. (avg throughout the day .. ranges +- 5°f depending on time of day)
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GreenTartancommentedweek 26 years ago
current pics are from a week ago. Can add updated pics later (not that they've grown much since)started in shot glass for 24hrs, put into rockwool cubes for a few days with ph6, 143ppm of grow/root juice (tap water is ph8 30ppm)after tap roots broke free from the rockwool cube, they went into 12oz solo cups with coco (moistened with same nutrients from rockwool cube). Been there for the last 5 or so days. not much veg growth, but the roots are going crazy.have not topped up water since initial watering in coco (getting close though)
GreenTartancommentedweek 36 years ago
clear solo cups have many uses. allows me to set the humidifier much lower to not affect the humidity in another tent that's flowering in the same sealed room.
GreenTartancommentedweek 26 years ago
veg day 10: not much growth recently and they've started turning yellow (thinking not enough camg+ or too much water). I transplanted into new coco in 3gal with a dose of camg+ 5ml/gal and bioroot 1.25ml/gal, ph6.1, ppm 315. damn coco is hard to transplant with, stuff just doesn't stay together.
CityFarmercommentedweek 146 years ago
Nice work, good luck
bobo420commentedweek 126 years ago
Looking great, nice green and healthy ;)
bobo420commentedweek 96 years ago
Coming along nicely ;)
ChefDan420commentedweek 96 years ago
Go scrOG 👍🏼 Go Critical mass
OutForRealcommentedweek 36 years ago
Cute little grenhouses on your plants !👍
bobo420commentedweek 26 years ago
Nice strains, good luck with the grow ;) Love the names ;)
AbroCadabrocommentedweek 206 years ago
Just germinated a seed of Critical Mass by Canuk. Do you have any tips for growing this strain?
iMeuscommentedweek 206 years ago
Oh baby that's a beautiful harvest ;), quite lovely indeed 😍
BeefWellingtonscommentedweek 206 years ago
Wow, nice yield! Great looking buds!
GreenZonecommentedweek 206 years ago
Congrats on the harvest. Looks great :)
iMeuscommentedweek 196 years ago
Yummy, tasty, phat budz, what's not to love <3
bobo420commentedweek 196 years ago
Nice and frosty ;)
blendmedmedmancommentedweek 196 years ago
looks real tasty, good job
Silasbotwincommentedweek 86 years ago
Looking good man 👍🏼😊
TheWeedMancommentedweek 46 years ago
Looking great bro! keep it up!
Tryhardcommentedweek 36 years ago
Nice I use the cup method exact same slush cups you use have had a lot of people ask me why simple keeps the humidity hi especially if you put a bit of water round the stem of the seedling good look bro
GreenTartancommentedweek 56 years ago
some reason, nutes are changing measurements on here. week5 is 20ml/gal with 5ml camg+, 10ml bioroot and 5ml floranova grow