Day 36 - 042622 - LST Begins
I did give them my Cal/Mag after all. 100 ml
Every other day may be enough to get them ready for the flower flip.
Yesterday was also the first day of LST.
- Main Stem Bent Over Last night.
- Leaf tucking this morning.
Photos are iPhone pics taken last night within minutes of training.
Day 39 (042922)
Flipped to flower early.
Just one day.
Day 37 - (042722)
100ml homemade Cal/Mag
Every other day seems to be working
Good color
Waiting on Sex Tests
I wish they were growing faster
Sex Test REsults (see graphic above):
As of right now only 1 of 4 (possibly 2) are female.
I'm going to get the Red Bucket tested now.
I ordered 5 more tests.
This time from Rimrock out of Colorado.
Five so that next time I can get the testing done while still in solo cups.
I could wait for balls to appear, but I was curious how all this worked.
It is incredibly convenient, especially if you do it early enough.
I'm still 3 weeks away from seeing if Red Bucket is M/F
So might well use this time to vet vendors.
he life of a seed tester... BUMMER news. I got the sex tests back, and only 1 of 4 (possibly 2) are female. Ugh!
Since I have quite a while from the Red Bucket presenting sex, I ordered a test for that one. Next time I do this, it will happen at the Solo Cup Stage.
I also ordered 4 shut-off valves so that I can reconfigure my AutoPots to be individually controlled. My tent of 5 is about to be a tent of 1. So, I want to pull out the other pots and get them cleaned up.
Find the positive... less trimming.
Day 38 - 042822
Rez Level: 10"
Added 750 ml to Red Bucket
VPD is back on track
Day 39 - 042922
Everything looks good.
Some tip burn on Irie 1
They are ready to flip on May 2.
Still waiting on the results from the sex test.
Two of the 3 could get yanked.
Rez jumped up to 2.52, added 1/2 gal of RO - Now 1.6
I will bring that up.
PK Boost Begins Soon
PK Boost Recipe (per gallon):
2.0g Jack's A
2.0g Jack's B
2.0g Epsom
1.2g M-K-P
Morning Dew?
Top notch work my guy! On a scale of
1-10 itโs an 11! Wicked wicked.
Very distinct bud structure on this.
The Machine had a somewhat similar structure but the fade and better density
Suggests Morning Dew.
Final answer. ๐