As usual it’s super hard for me to get to these plants.
I’m hoping everything is ok. They look ok for as far as I can see them but I dunno really.
I just found out from my allotment neighbour he grows weed in his greenhouse so I said if I gave him a load of seed can I grow a couple in there with him. So looks like I’ll have a little outdoor crop this year and the best thing is if anything does go down it ent on my bit of land! I’m sure it won’t though I’m sure it’ll be fine if he does it every year lol
EDIT: just a quick update coz I had a few pics from my security cam. They are definitely putting on some weight now. I can see it in the dark with the night vision and the outlines of the plants is getting bigger and bigger. Check the b&w photo and ull see what I mean.
Update: ok time to break the bad news to the diary lol Iv has a hermy problem. I realised I taped over my inkbird controllers but i didn’t tape over the smart plugs I have in there and it has a super bright red circular light as well as some small red LEDs as well. So I presume that’s why I am feeling seeds forming in some areas of some plants. Pretty annoying but I do presume it’s the stupidity of light leaks. Pretty annoying but I’m glad it happened with these guys and not the seeds I actually bought and am about to start going. Unfortunately I’m in a position where I NEED the bud so I’m gonna have to continue but It has made me start some new seeds pronto and get my veg tent moved and up and running.
It’s fine - it just means I’m going to have shit bud until my next harvest 😞 hopefully I will at least get my prescription so I can get some government weed as well - although I must admit I was meant to be supplementing the other way round even if I do get the script! Oh well next time. It’s funny your always learning aren't you. It’s still interesting. And if I’m right and it was an environmental herm it means at least I have a load of S1 cheese plants and some f1 cheese x kalini Asia and f1 cheese x zkittlez seeds that are even feminised. HOWEVER the flip side of that is if I’m wrong and it was a genetic herm then all the seeds are going to have that genetic trait bred into them lol
Should be interesting at some point either way. When I move and gain a little more space and some outside space as well then I’ll probably start messing with them. There may be something really special in there for all I know…quite amazing for a mistake really. God I love cannabis. It’s just so interesting - every time I think it’s smooth sailing it throws something at me to really teach me something