I’ll think the kalini asianplants look the best of the lot really. They are fattening up nicely. Some of the cheese are too but a couple just look scraggly.
We’ll see but my hopes are not high…
Update: Monday
Nearly another week to be able to tick off. I just want to cut these down now so I can hang them then move the new ones in lol. I’m sick of spending time finishing plants I don’t even particularly want lol Now that is some spoiled problems right there.
They do smell nice I must admit. There is one plant that just looks so skinny and scraggly but the rest of them look ok. They are definitely finishing now. I’m just basically waiting for them so start metabolising themselves and start fading out. It’ll be interesting to see how they colour up compared to Fastbuds autos because I have found them to be super colourful in the fade. Even in strains that arnt ‘purple’ there are all sorts of purple/blue/green/yellow and orange hues. I’m hoping this is just generally what happens with all cannabis coz it’s super pretty!
We’ll see. Iv not really been able to smell the kalini Asia plants as much because they are stuffed right at the back of the room but they look to be the nicest plants out of the lot.
The cheese plants smell way more gassy than I expected to be honest. Having said that, that’s no bad thing coz I love gas. Just not what I expected. I must admit I didn’t really expect them to be that notorious English cheese iv smoked so much of as I live in the UK as lots of people in the reviews said they didn’t really get that. But I didn’t expect fuel.
Anyway ramblings…