Week 3, start around March 22. Basically plants were way smothered, the dome was a bad idea, the heating mat was good. Those jiffy pots were terrible, also should have put drain holes in them. Messed around with water and shouldnhave use RO and practiced titrating beforehand (use micro pipette or small syringe, but add some tap water to buffer). By the end of the week we'd decided to basically grow out the rest of the other seeds I have and learn. And then just for fun and to learn, try and bring these girls back to life and see what we can do. Ended up more or less repotting one at first into a 1 gal, then the rest into solos before all into 1 gal fabric by around April 9. No nutes. Just FFHF with about 4 to 1 perlite. Watered around 120 mL a plant every 4 days or so now.
Download teamviewer and the ac infinity app on your computer and you can access it from your phone when you’re away from home. I also set up a camera and wifi irrigation system from Amazon and can control my tent while I’m away adjust the humidifier and fan in the tent remotely.