And we are now in full flowering mode! It always surprise me how these auto strain follows their own agenda: between the third and the fourth week from germination, no matter rain or shine, they start flowering. They are also growing, with lots of new leaves, alas they are still not tall. LST made them grow low and bushy, I hope for the best. But I'm expecingt them to start stretching, now.
The Fecida CR600 now runs close to its full power (90%ish), about 40 cm over the canopies, providing an average of 5-600 ppfd on the plants top. I've tried to lower it nearer the plants, but the distance between the flowers and the leaves it's still too short, so the latter might suffer too much. Better be safe than sorry...
They are drinking more (0,5 l each any other day, ph'd at 6.2), and I'm slowly increasing their meals, adding some flowering nutrients from BioBizz twice a week.
Temperatures in the box has also raised, reaching 28-29° with the light on, so I've increased the air extractor working time (15 minutes every hour) and the internal fan. Weather is still a mess: we expect a sudden drop of the night temperatures in the coming days. But I'm sure I'll be able to keep the girls in their comfort zone.