DLI is the key... it may be beneficial to give more hours of light with a weaker light... don't do this blindly.. and do observe and react to plant. the math only gets you in the ballpark and you'll have to trial and error the finer resolution.
this is relative to temp, RH% and atmospheric CO2, so it can be a different "max dli" at any given moment. As long as plant remains healthy, keep slowly amping up , if you think it can handle more. (35-40DLI in ambient // 50-55DLI in a tightly controlled environment are good ballparks to start) Google for a DLI table.. it is directly 1:1 proportional to hours of use, so you can do some easy math to fill in blanks of table if needed.
all of that said, still better for the plant to have some period of darkness. In some cases it may be better to go 24/7 but most likely only with a weak light relative to area of coverage.