This is the beginning of my first ever grow, a friend and I decided to built a jankey little set up and give it a shot. Placed the seed in paper towel moistened with distilled water. Sprouted tail within 48 hours, planted in fox farm ocean forest popped in 2 days.
@Dispo_Bud_Is_Mid, My partner is all about living soil and organics, so I will point him in that direction! :) He uses mainly gaia green and some of his own home made soil food, along with compost from our worm bin, and some other things like compost teas (you know, all that organic goodness 😂) ... I'm a new grower and I'm doing my first real successful run in DWC, but it's turning out pretty good so far lol. I look forward to seeing any other diaries you post also. I love it when people actually know what they are doing, no offense to some of the growers out there, but a healthy happy plant that has everything it needs is nice to see!!!!
@WishiFishi, thanks for the support I appreciate it. Yup all organic just worm casting teas with the full line of dragonfly earth medicine nutes and molasses. I really encourage you to go check their website out. Even if you don’t use their products their ideology and science is super interesting and applicable.
I should note that at the time of making this diary I’m already at the beginning of week 10 of flower but it is was such a successful learning process that I decided I wanted to share it here.