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RQS - Snow White (widow)

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1
Encouraging words and Compliments
weeks 2
Boy Harsher - Lesser Man EP
weeks 3
weeks 3-7
Compliments and smiles :D
weeks 5
Some help from my friends!
weeks 5
weeks 5-7
Grow medium
Grow medium
2 L
Pot Size
0.2 L
3 years ago
Snow is doing pretty good. She germinated as expected and looked healthy as she is being transferred to her place on the window-sill. The sun has been good for the past few days, but the temperature outside has dropped. This isn't much of a problem, though, as she is above a radiator that is putting out a decent amount of heat. Her cotyledons seem to be kinda stuck in the shell of the seed, but I am confident that she will push her way out. Even if she hasn't appeared to move for the past 24 hours. I gave her some water, anyway, since the potting mix was a little drier than I'd like. The fibre cup is starting to disintegrate. I'm hoping that she won't get too big - I've no idea about automatics for this strain, as I've never used automatic flowering seeds before. While she gets some rest tonight, I'll be reading up on whether or not some low-stress training and a little pruning will hurt her too much. I've read that it's not good to snip off tips for autos, and to really just leave them to it. // 01/04 The reading suggested only low-stress and to not snip her or take clones or anything like that, so I'll just be leaving her alone... She's really starting to move today! I'm glad, because this is the one I wanted to nurture the most. However, as much as she's shooting up - she is clinging onto her seed husk, refusing at the moment to come out of her shell. I've never looked that closely at this stage before, and it appears as if the stem is ripped, although this may be from the seed itself. I was worried about it last night, as it looked weak and dark, but turned out it was a bit of soil on it... didn't remove it. Yet. I'm not sure if to leave the cot's to develop and push the seed shell off themselves, or if I ought to remove them myself to save her the effort.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Grow Questions
Teh_Saccadestarted grow question 3 years ago
Hey guys - this little girl is clinging onto her shell. I've wet it a few times, and it has been 24hrs - it's not moving. She brought it out the soil with her, and is developing nicely otherwise. Should I remove it early (like now) or wait to see if the she pushes it off?
Setup. Seedling
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Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
Always wait for it to fall off. It is way to easy to damage the seed leaves since they can stick to the inside of the shell and tear when you remove it. I will usually take a syringe and put a drop of water over the shell to keep it soft and so the inner membrane does not dry out and stick. Eventually they should break free. I had a similar but worse issue with this grow. See germination/week1
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
3.5 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
No Smell
66 %
8 °C
10 °C
2 L
I'm concerned about Snow... She doesn't look so good, but so long as she is growing - I guess it's fine. The seed shell was stuck to her when she was popping up last week, and it ended up hanging off the side. I nipped it off, but the stem seems to have gotten stuck to it and where the shell was hanging is an ugly brown scar with some shriveled skin. In addition, one side appears a little gimpy. The cotyledon leaves there are small and twisted. The seed leaves have also come through a little malformed, with the same side being gimped and I am trying not to look too closely at what appears to be some yellowing around the edges. The soil is quite wet, but has drained well - I'm wondering if the yellowing may be from too much water, since I was dripping it onto the shell of the seed that was stuck every few hours. I'll let it dry out a fair deal before doing anything else. I'll also put her in a prime spot for sun and warmth over the next few days. I've also started to put her and Happy (the Dwarf auto) under some lights to keep a 20hr schedule going. Trying not to think about it, but keeping a journal means thinking about it..! Being a few days behind the others (well... other... those dwarfs didn't germinate), I'm not concerned about the relative growth being a little stunted at this stage. Not as much as I am about the deformation, but I've seen worse in my other plants who have recovered and gone on to be lovely bushes. The hawaiian woodroses this year are streaking up, and these are usually quite difficult to get going. The p.viridis and p.harmala are also popping up and these guys do not like the climate here at all. Anyhow. We'll see how she does over the next week, and I'm sending her good vibes and positive thoughts so that she can recover from a traumatic birth and grow into a fine lady. // The prayer seems to be working, as today she is standing very tall and proud, and the scar on the stem is looking better. Her leaves are still a little wonky, but hopefully that won't be some congenital defect and persist further than these leaves. I'm guessing that they are like this due to being squashed up by the shell to start. // Well, even though she didn't seem to need it (yet), I've gone ahead and removed her from the fibre cup and exchanged all the soil for new stuff - the old stuff is a bit damp so I'm gonna have to really be light on the water with these guys til it heats up. I'd watered her once since shooting up, and the moisture was held still in the cup like soggy cardboard. Those cups are great for greenhouse and outdoors, but for indoors I think they might require seedlings that are already on the way and caution must be used when using them for sprouting. Hopefully she'll be fine tomorrow - I've put her under some lights, just to be safe.
Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
7 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
No Smell
45 %
8 °C
2 °C
2 L
0 L
25 cm
Well, Snow is doing pretty good..! I re-potted her since it turns out this potting mix, when saturated, does not dry out well - and the RD was suffering because of it - and I think I left her a bit high in the soil after this. So... I've been kind of turning it every now and then and pressing her into the ground. I keep a fan on her for a while during the "dark" time, so to help strengthen the stem. The height at which she is showing to branch out though, is fine. The leaves are looking strong and they are fanning out nice and wide and turning to the light a LOT - so... I am moving her off the ledge and under 2x300w LED pink and 1x30w LED white lamps. I think also to transfer to a slightly larger pot in the next few weeks... But - for now, she's ok and everything is ok and I think she will be ok. I'll give her some food later in the week, perhaps. The potting soil is supposed to have enough for 3 months for a house plant, which essentially this is - but I don't see anything wrong with some tomato food, or even some of the nutrients I would use in the hydro's. Currently, she's on an all-water diet, of around 50ml or so every 24 hours (the soil is thirsty and makes a grateful popping and sucking sound when the water hits and fills the airspaces it contains). // 14/04 I've repotted her in a nice square pot, because I think that these autos are going to go under the growlight due to it being so overcast and cold lately. Also, there's a lot of snails.
Used techniques
Encouraging words and Compliments
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
16 cm
20 hrs
19 °C
30 %
10 °C
9 °C
2 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 4
Terra Aquatica - FloraMicro 2.5 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraGro 2.5 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraBloom 2.5 mll
This week, she is looking great..! Nice leaves Good, thick stem Starting to branch out a bit Soooo - it's time for some bonsai action in the LST department, when I get some time. The widow has been doing so well, I've not had to do much at all in terms of care. Other than watering once or twice this week (the soil is starting to dry properly now, since potting), into which I put some micro/veg/bloom & cal-mag mix, nothing other than enjoy watching her sway in the breeze. The soil is rich in bone, blood and fish, which will help encourage a good root system. There's also the friendly fungus mix in there, for whatever that's worth. I'll probably not have to use much extra until flowering. I'm really tied up with the Aerogrow, since I think I've seriously fucked those guys, so I'm glad she's getting on independently. The extra light from moving the widow inside at night is really helping..!
Used techniques
Boy Harsher - Lesser Man EP
Grow Questions
Teh_Saccadestarted grow question 3 years ago
Have any of you guys ever taken cuttings/clones from autos? This is my first time with ruderalis cross, and I am reading that I shouldn't even top the plants as they will likely start to flower as they reach 5-8 nodes. Will the plant be super stunted after a clip..?
Other. General questions
Plant. Other
1 like
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Doesn't work, its that auto flowering gene that prevents it from being successful. By the time roots form, the plant will be wanting to flower, not continue veg growth, making cuttings/clones pointless. In my experience, autos do best if left intact and when not topped.
Teh_Saccadestarted grow question 3 years ago
I was wondering... This White Widow auto is bred from Critical x Ruderalis to have Critical Auto ~ 35-50% Ruderalis. Crit. Auto is bred again to WW S1 Auto (~20-25% Ruderalis). If bred again, you think enough Ruderalis (~10%) for it to still be classed as automatic? Thanks! :D
Other. General questions
Other. Other
Plant. Other
1 like
Kolibrianswered grow question 3 years ago
Es geht nicht um den prozentualen Anteil in der Genetik. Es gibt auch reine Ruderalis- Pflanzen die photoperiodisch aktiviert werden müssen. Du musst bei Deinen Kreuzungen, wenn Du denn Automatics züchten möchtest, eben auf diese Eigenschaften hin selektieren. Also bei den Nachkommen bestimmen welche unabhängig vom Lichtzyklus blühen und diese Eigenschaft stabilisieren. Es gibt stabile Automatics die weniger als 2% Ruderalisgenetik enthalten... Viel Glück!
Week 4. Flowering
3 years ago
20 cm
20 hrs
20 °C
66 %
10 °C
9 °C
2 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Terra Aquatica - FloraMicro 1.5 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraGro 2.5 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraBloom 1.5 mll
Well, I read that you're supposed to leave the LST til a bit later with autos but... I wish I did it a bit early, tbh. The stem has really thickened up and I didn't even scruntch it :D Usually, I'd bruise the insides of the main stems so it pumps a load of growth into it - but this has not been necessary. Simply bending it with some soft wire has done the trick. I've increased the pressure a little and I noticed that the bigger leaves are starting to cause some sweating where they meet... The level of transpiration is becoming noticeable, so I've upped the water a touch - I wonder how the roots are looking down there..? As such, I purchased a little fan for these guys (the autos are in with one CBD and one HG1) as, since I moved them under the TS-1000, they have started to really go for it. The little fan was less than 10 off Amazon, and it arrived broken.... Cheap Chinese crap, again. I glued it back together and it works OK off the mains, but it makes a noise and I don't want this when I am trying to be quiet, and I've also had this woman in my ear that I feel bad to tell to fuck off... She wants to be my gf but - you know... I don't want a gf... I grow these plants, and I like painting a lot and play video games in the evenings and basically have a full life in my own little world with martial art and my research, etc... but I do want to get laid... She's like, oh yeah I don't want to date, I just want you for "friends with benefits", she calls it - but dude... it is not. It is basically the same as having a gf but you have to also put up with how bad her dating life is every time you speak... Anyway - I noticed that there's some flowering starting on the 5th and 6th node today, as I was spreading out some leaves that I have read that I shouldn't cut off. So I'll put this as "flowering", even though I'm not happy and I want to re-veg..! She's nowhere near big enough..!!! But wow that was quick. Now I have experienced this for myself with autos - I will do things differently next time (I have a good selection of seeds from RQS coming for the summer - all autos). I am very glad I heeded the advice to not top this plant, as it would be so small - although I think I could get away with it if I use the TS-1000 and TS-600 from the start together, maybe, and good temperatures. At least with this White Widow S1 Auto variant. So - she's all tied down and in a nice, lazy S and I hope there will be a few colas, as the growth is nice and green and vibrant and pushing its way through the fans. It's very satisfying to see this :D The nettles outside are also growing the same - they are irrepressible! The LST, I - for some reason - put the plants in the middle of the pot... Idk why I did this... They ought to be in a corner. But no worries. It's going from the centre to the corner, and I plant to keep it going around the outside of the pot in a spiral, if it can make it, before stretch. Pinning down the branch leaves is a bit premature, but they are really obstructing the new growth - I wish I could cut them off, but I've read that I shouldn't do this. Another week and I'll re-evaluate the training, but atm it is fine to be low 'n' slow, baby..! :D
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
50 %
20 °C
10 °C
14 °C
2 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Terra Aquatica - FloraMicro 2 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraGro 2.5 mll
Terra Aquatica - FloraBloom 3 mll
I'm really happy about the White Widow S1 Auto from RQS - it has been a pleasure to watch it grow up from seed and I'm very surprised at how quickly it has pushed into flowering..! Only what... 5 weeks and it's starting to bud..? It'll be done in a month, maybe! So small still! I'm thinking that it'd probably be only 30-40cm tall if it wasn't all twisted up and growing laterally. It responds very well to LST, and takes no time to recover - I put it back in at the end of the last light cycle, for about 6 hours, and it had already righted the leaves and grew at least another 4cm along the apical line, pushing out branches through the skirt. Every day is an absolute joy with this one. I've fed it only one or two times, and watered it only sporadically - it's not been so thirsty but I think that this time I had the soil right, with a mix of mulch in striations to hold a little water that the soil is soaking up, that the plant is evidently liking to drink. Later on, i'll give it some of the TA tri-part nutrients to give it a boost, and perhaps some miraclegro tomato feed at the end, if it needs it - the soil and mulch probably have enough in there for the full term, tbh - the speed this thing is going it won't get so big. Here I was, worried about space..! Not an issue - so far, this thing would fit in a small box..! The MarsHydro TS-1000 (150w) is bathing them in a lovely, warm light, and I've not had to dim it at all. There's a little fan in that room, that's powered by a phone charger. I put this on as I noticed last week that the Widow had some dew on the leaves that were touching, from transpiration, which I don't really want unless it's rain and there won't be any of that when the buds plump up. I kinda don't want her to flower, as I've really loved having her around... Still - another month at least, to enjoy this baby..! I'll give her another little prune later, but no more weak branches - they're all starting to be the dominant ones, but that little one was totally in the dark and, despite people saying, "don't prune ur autos dood!", I thought, fuck it - I want more light hitting these guys so off comes this leaf, that leaf. and this little branch. There's no rush, Snow..! <3 // I want to take off some of the bigger fan leaves (only two removed so far), but I am unsure if I ought to do it at this time, since it is flowering at such an early stage..! I'll ask the other guys who are more experienced with autos to see what they think. Well, Hashy says to not cut them off and to continue tucking them behind the shoots - so I'll continue to do this for a few weeks :D // Today I have restrung all the LST wires, as this thing is growing about 3cm a day in some directions. I am very tempted to chop off some leaves, as I want to make it look like a nice bonsai - I have trained the stem to look like a lazy S and pull back on itself, and I have managed to keep the branches at the correct points, but I need it to conform to bonsai rules... Which means chopping off some big leaves and also some of the inside curve bud sites... Part of me wants to do it so much, but the other part is like, "nooo think of the weeeed!" and I don't even smoke dope, so ... idk why I am becoming obsessed with the flowers :/ I think that, tomorrow I might be 90% certain to chop some stuff. Or I might do it next week, which is only a few days away now. I'm going to put some pictures I made today, but they do not show the stem as well as I hoped - my mother said it is beautiful, and she has an iphone with a great camera, so I hope she can come over and let me take photos with it. She really wants me to give it to her, but idk... I will give her one of the ones that aren't autos for her to plant in her garden. The dog will eat it anyway :D hahaha // Today, again, I adjusted the ties for the LST - this thing grows so damn fast... I am not used to it..! It's so tiny, but it's so vigourous, it's crazy! Down, girl, down! You can bring those buds up when you're stretching properly..! I've lowered the light a little to try to reduce the height further. I'd like to see how bushy I can get this and the Royal Dwarf - I'm not so sure the Widow is a good bonsai candidate, but I am very much enjoying getting old with her :D
Used techniques
Compliments and smiles :D
Some help from my friends!
Grow Questions
Teh_Saccadestarted grow question 3 years ago
Auto experts! I have been keeping this one very low & it is producing many shoots with pistils. I'd like to remove some fan leaves, but Idk if this is a good idea, since it is flowering after only a month..! Do you think it would be ok to do this for more light..? Thanks! :D
Techniques. Defoliation
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
1st try tucking the leaves behind to expose more flower sites. I wouldn't really defoliate her until she really kicks into gear and explodes in growth.
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
60 %
20 °C
18 °C
14 °C
2 L
0 L
65 cm
Nutrients 1
Levington - Tomorite 5 mll
Brr brr brrrr! It's cold this morning! D: But the White Widow looks beautiful! Such beautiful flowers poking out of the foliage, and a lovely shape, with a lazy S curving around the pot. I've remove the ties from all the points, and the plant has not lost its shape :D There are almost a dozen bud sites, which are starting to plump up well! So, I gave it some Tomorite, which is tomato food ready to put in from the pot and water through. Not sure it really needs any nutrients, since the soil has some in it already, so I've only put it once this week. The rain has been pretty heavy! As such, the plant has received a lot of water this week..! Some of the biggest leaves, I remove, as well as a few that are growing straight down due to how the main stem is twisted. As with the dwarf, there will be some buds to remove from the main stem next week that are very undeveloped - but I might as well leave them on it, tbh, at this stage... Should've been removed *before* it started budding, really... Looks great though! I love it!!! :D // I've had to remove a few of the lower leaves, as they were transpiring a lot of moisture where they touched. The canopy is so thick - it is practically a solid mass! The buds too are forming very nicely - I wasn't expecting so many leaders to crop up - there are a few mini buds (buddites and budlites) that are kinda starting to plump but not gonna get there, I think. The plant smells a little minty, which is nice - in the morning it definitely is smelly, but as the day progresses it's not noticeable (or I get used to it..!) :D It's definitely a little skunky - has that back-of-the-nose pine-y smell to it (I think the monoterpine is alpha-pinene over limonene). I'm gonna have to put more food in... Not sure it needs it - plant seems in perfect health - pH is good, moisture is good (drinking a bit, but soil is compact and the bottom reads "wet" not "moist") - I'm unsure if to continue with the tomorite or use the Terra Aquatica tripart stuff (that's caused some burn on the other plants - it's for hydro, really) - the soil I used has enough in there to keep it going for another few weeks, I'd think. I was expecting the flower buds to start to stretch out a bit, but they are staying put and thickening up instead. Perhaps it will happen in the next few weeks - this one is not having its beard turn brown yet, only a few - so will have to wait and see :D
1 like
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
19 °C
60 %
20 °C
18 °C
14 °C
2 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 1
Levington - Tomorite 5 mll
The widow is turning out to be a bit of a beast..! :D Well, a mini beast, at least... It's starting to become one giant bud with leaves sticking out of it hahaha The flowers are beautiful and are starting to resemble large bees, feeling nice and fluffy - you can see some sugar on them! I've left it out in the rain a bit, and I'm only feeding it tomorite for now, as I'm not sure I'm getting the hydro nutrients right for soil, or they don't like it or something... Doing fine on the tomorite, though, can't complain! The bush is a bit thick, so I'm clipping off some leaves and I'm retraining and... Oh... Shit yea... I broke one of the branches off by accident 0.0) It's ok though - it only had 3 buds on it, and I did some emergency medical aid for plants on it and it appears to be as good as it was before the snap. Happened totally when I was not paying attention - I was daydreaming about something (i think I was recalling and fantasising about a psychedelic experience of late), while stroking the branch and - snap - I put too much pressure on it and there it goes! WHOOPS! The main thing, in that situation, is celerity. So I hold it on, use some not-so-sticky electrical tape to bandage it together with the stem in the right place, then I use twisty tie to hook it together while also applying tension to hold it firm by training it to other branches. A few days later - it's all good, except the big red bandage around the trunk :D I'm enjoying how the buds are growing so dense, and during defoliation I notice that I'm having to remove a lot of fan leaves, but also the bud fan leaves, in order to keep the air flowing so it doesn't transpire all over itself and make puddles on the leaves. At least it shows it is healthy. These autos don't really mind being cut, you know... the web says not to do it, but they seem fine - no stress or worry. Just make sure the plant is growing all over the place and keep that going - there's no need for the fans to get bigger, when the buds can grow and serve the core by enlarging :D I love this plant - it smells minty and has a hint of a-pinene somewhere in there, so I'm thinking that this is more indica than sativa, which is as advertised by RQS. Another month and we'll see. A lot of the beard hairs are going brown or orange, but the buds are too airy and wispy, despite chunking up. As I said, the plant is on track to be one giant bud with twigs and leaves at this rate! I hope it doesn't stretch any :P The apical bud is very nice!
Used techniques


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love_2_growcommentedweek 53 years ago
I grow the exact same strain as you but am a few weeks further along. I have done some slight defoliation without any problems. That being said, I don't think you need to worry about that yet as your girl is still rather small. Leaf tucking should be all you need at this point.
love_2_growcommented3 years ago
@The_Saccade, Good luck with your grow and harvest. I'm VERY happy how my White Widows come along :)
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thanks for the help! I appreciate it! You know... the plant would probably be about 30cm + tall if I didn't keep tying it down :P It's so bent up like a pretzel right now, which has seemed to help it shoot out a lot more of the side branches compared to a regular White Widow. It is a small little thing, but I'm hoping that after it starts to develop true buds that it will shoot out a little :) I'm going to hold off on taking away any more leaves for a few weeks! Thanks again! :D
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 53 years ago
Hey there... Hashy was right - you really don't want to do much defoliation at this stage... The one thing I'd recommend is pulling up your lights so they're about 24" away - this will encourage the plant to stretch. Super job so far!!
Teh_Saccadecommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, Thanks for the tip, Grannie! :D I think the light is about 20" (? 50cm?) away from the plants at the moment... I've a little problem in that I accidentally hanged it a little skewed, so one of the ratchet ties is a little shorter than the other. If I lower it - it falls in a diagonal pattern... but I think the coverage is still good! What I've done, following your advice, is to move the plant to the outside rather than directly under it - also the same for the other auto :D Hopefully this will have a similar effect in encouraging it to pull out a bit more toward the light :D I'll have to stop tying everything down - but these autos are wanting to grow so much every day!!! At least an inch is added to the shoots every time I go to check on them! :D
Kynarethcommentedweek 03 years ago
good luck!!
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
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