
3rd time growing- Wish it'll grow time

2 years ago
Dr lemon
Hasty & tasty
Room Type
weeks 14
weeks 7-11
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
GrowerLacey GrowerLacey
2 years ago
Yesterday is their 2 weeks after they germinated. Unlike my first 2 plants that died, , this batch are very easy to grow. Okay so here's the timeline for their 2nd week... First few days, no problem qnd they are healthy. 3rd day - I noticed that the chopsticks I used to guide them have white cottony mold. I panicked so I removed the sticks and I water them h2o2. Next day , they are okay and looks healthy. Yesterday - I noticed that there are two leaves that looks like yellowy or maybe turning yellow? I don't know if you can notice in the picture but to me it will turn yellow soon. - Should I start feeding them nutes? They are exactly 17 days today from the day they pop up from the soil. - I would start them to 1/3 nutes then next 1/4, 1/2 and whole. - when is the better time to feed them? Before the lights turning off or anytime on their 18 hrs lights on? Do you mind sharing your nutes feeding schedule? Thank you in advance guys! You are the best!
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homerjgangiaweek 0
Good luck with your grow mate!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
SanchoPanzaweek 1
hey there my friend! good luck with your grow :) regarding young seedlings, they don't need that much water, they have so few and weak roots that water will sufocate them. Use a spoon or a seringe to give her just enought water. All they need for their frist weeks of life is inside the shell :) nature is amazing! I will be checking you out and having my fingers crossed for you.
@@SanchoPanza, hey, thanks for the advice!
FourVentiFarmsweek 0
I have a feeling this year will be your year!
@FourVentiFarms, I will claim it! Thank you!
love_2_growweek 0
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Foxylove420week 1
Hello and Happy growing. To avoid massive streching I would lower the Lights and If you transplant them into another pot plant them deeper almost to her first leaves :) Have fun! πŸ€
@Foxylove420, hey thanks for the advice. Big help!
Fayah_Burnweek 2
Hey Lacey! Good to see that your plants are growing well! Like Foxylove420 said, i think it is time to transplant.. if you transplant until the end of this week and you are using fresh soil when transplanting you wont need to give the plants any nutes yet, if you have some on hand you could mix in a root stimulator, following the dosage on the label, that would definitely give the plants a little boost and a better start in their new Pot's. That's what i would do.. But you definitely have to get the nuts in the next days as sooner or later the plants will start to ask for them by getting lighter in colour and yellowing, like you have mentioned. The plants are still little but they most likely have used up the nutrients that were in the soil of your little growbags. The yellowing is a sign that they want more N (Nitrogen) Have you already got some nutrients? It should be easy to find the nutrient schedual if you know the brand.. Oh, and the best time to feed (water) would be soon after your lights turn on. Good luck πŸ€ wit your babies!
Kynarethweek 1
nice grow mate!!
LegacyMarketFarmweek 7
They are still gonna grow for sure! We can encourage more vigorous growth if you are able to warm the room up a bit! Try to get up to around 80 degrees & 75% humidity, Place a 5 gallon bucket full of water in the tent and it will passively raise the humidity up it takes a while but it works and is a good work around if you do not have an actual humidifier. Also you could get SUNGRIP light pulleys so you can move the lights closer to the plants by a bit and get more PAR onto them. The more light intensity they have delivered to them safely the more they can photosynthesize and the more they can then grow.
@GrowerLacey, No problem Lacy I am so glad to see you getting some plant growth going every step of progress is a small victory! You should really check out our youtube channel and our tutorial series I think you would really benefit from it. It's for all levels of growers to utilize, I would really appreciate your feedback to better shape the next installment after this first series is completed! Our youtube, Is linked off of our growdiaries main profile. I look forward to seeing you over there
@LegacyMarketFarm, I have followed your advice few days back and they are now getting taller. Thank you for the help! πŸ’–
ZoobZoob_farmZweek 15
Jolie πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
LegacyMarketFarmweek 6
WOW. Great work Lacey you are finally getting the hang of it. Super proud of you, Keep it up every time we will improve from here on out.
cannapassionweek 1
The best for the futur πŸ‘ŒπŸ’ͺ🌱
LegacyMarketFarmweek 2
Looking much better this time! I agree with all the wonderful tips on here to get ready to transplant into a bigger pot & then we can think about giving them some food at a nice low level to get them started. Look up sungrip light pulleys. They are cheap & very effective at raising & lowering your lights to the desired distances!