Continuing to water almost everyday as the pot size is too small and the buds are packing on the weight and frost. I am giving them almost 4 liters of water everyday. I am going to skip today (monday) just to make sure im not promoting any root rot, although I know I will be sacrificing some microbes. I will water them on my Live first thing Tuesday morning. Im noticing a little bit of bronzing on the leaves of one, its something I get almost every grow in flower. Im thinking it is beacuse I need to change my RO filters, as I live in the country and use well water and I think It is a buildup of iron. I have crazy high iron even when I use an RO. I believe my TDS was still 400 with filtration lol. If I change the filters I should be able to get it back down to 100 to 150 ppm. We are on auto pilot right now with this garden, just have to water and nurture and I know I am going to get an amazing result in about 3 weeks or so!