The Mamosa cakes are absolutely stunning. They have actually grown very big and dense compared to the other ones. The blackberries are beautiful in color and the mutation is getting prettier and prettier and she finishes. She looks like a real blackberry bush unlike the other two that are growing traditional buds with pistils in Colas with foxtails. She’s a true all flower,
@Cyrusdavirus, they stayed idle for about a week or so cause the mimosa cakes branches turned into Hercules plants. There 2x bigger than gelatos and they are huge. In five gallon pots they make different individual plants on each stem lol. There probably gonna be right under a pound each and smell so good.
Hey there,
Thanks a bunch for growing our Mimosa Cake Auto, and sharing this diary with us :)
We hope that it was a nice experience, and that you enjoy the harvest!
Have a good one