Sixth week for most of these, but definitely the final week for FF-8 #2 - she's been throwing nanners left and right, possibly due to light stress (she was the tallest of the bunch), but due to height being one of my main constraints this disqualifies her from further participation. FF-8 #1 and #3 are left, although I don't have high hopes for them as I'm not fond of their aroma. I'm going to let them go to harvest and give them a proper cure but I suspect these will not be for me.
FF-4 #1 and #2 are chonking up nicely, with a skunky apple aroma to them, while #3 is the leafiest - also the least smelly which works out fine I guess. Looking forward to seeing these develop further.
Hey there,
Thanks a bunch for growing our genetics, and sharing this diary with us :)
We hope that it was a nice experience, and that you enjoy the harvest!
Have a good one
@Fast_Buds, thanks for stopping by, I still have a few of those photoperiod tester seeds so I'll probably add a couple more diaries with them at some point. You can give me an extra motivation boost by telling me what strain the FFT-1 was. 😉 I'll tell no one.
@Grower202085, please check my other reply, I am using calmag, just very little, maybe 0.2ml/L max, and I don't measure EC I measure ppm, it's at around 70 ppm at the tap like I said - that's with a European TDS meter so I'm not sure if you divide by 500 or 700 to get from ppm to EC, so about 0.1 to 0.14 I guess. Cheers!