Day 71 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.5
Day 72 - Got the light about as high as I can go and need to go higher 😐
Day 73 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.6
Day 74 - I'm starting to find my thrill with this Blueberry Hill 😎
Day 75 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.5 Tied her back to pull the center branches to the side cuz she is a big girl and the tent is vertically challenged. 😏
Day 76 - The stretch if finally slowing down
Day 77 - Watered her tonight with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Tiger Bloom and .6 ml Mammoth P per gallon, ph'd to 6.6