Цель репорта - поднять легенду мира автоцветущих растений Lowryder, и получить пыльцу + семена следующего поколения, для использования в своих будущих экспериментах.
🙌Проращивание 10/05
Красотки Лоурайдеры были сфотографированы в различных приличных и неприличных позах, раздеты, уложены в кубики Root Riot от Growth Technology и отправлены в теплую темную полку для прорастания. Губки дополнительно были опрысканы раствором с Simplex Mass, для достижения необходимого уровня влажности и стимуляции процесса прорастания.
🏎️ Lowryder - Первый автоцветущий сорт с высоким содержанием ТГК от The Joint Doctor - пионера автоцветущей генетики. Kycтиcтoe, oчeнь paнo зaцвeтaющee pacтeниe, плoдoвитo coцвeтиями. Уpoжaй yдивит кoличecтвoм и кaчecтвoм, eдкий дым coпpoвoждaeт yмoпoмpaчитeльный эффeкт. Coцвeтия бoльшие, плoтныe и щeдpые cмoлoй.
Бoльшим кoличecтвoм cмoлы, экзoтичecким вкycoм и ocoбыми high эффeктaми Lowryder oбязaн гeнaм Santa Maria, извecтнoгo бpaзильcкoгo гибpида. Пpи выpaщивaнии нa cвeжeм вoздyхe, oн гopaздo paньшe дpyгих пoкaжeт cвoю гoтoвнocть пopaдoвaть oбильным ypoжaeм.
Тип: Автоцветущий регулярный
Генетика: Santa Maria X Lowryder
ТГК: 10 - 15%
КБД: Неизвестно.
Период цветения: 56 - 63 дней.
Высота растения: 30 - 70 см.
Урожайность: 150 - 200 гр/м2. (Indoor), 30 - 80 гр. на растение (Outdoor).
@Doctors_Choice ,thanks Doc! yes, I really want to cross your little ones with mutants and try to fix them with autoflowering. let's see what happens, I think there are still a couple of seasons ahead)
@Doctors_Choice,hi Doc! I think I'll run another round to see what plants I get and get a big next generation to test with a spare. and I will be using Lowrider to work on autoflowering genes for other strains in my coverage. plus, I have 3 more new mutants from the Terpuz bank, I think I'll try to pollinate them Lowryder, next season
hi Doc! I think I'll run another round to see what plants I get and get a big next generation to test with a spare. and I will be using Lowrider to work on autoflowering genes for other strains in my coverage. plus, I have 3 more new mutants from the Terpyz seedbank, I think I'll try to pollinate them Lowryder, next season
@JamMAKEcan, Lowryder is a legendary variety that has advanced the era of autoflowering cannabis plants)
Its advantage is that in several generations of breeding, you can make your own variety autoflowering, for example, I pollinated a Freakshow with a Lowryder boy and in 1.5-3 years of work I can bring out an autoflowering Freakshow.
And by itself, as a strain, it is also a very cool thing, a low plant with a delicious aroma of exotic fruits, dense cones and rapid energetic growth (at least I got such a girl, even despite all the injuries that I was able to inflict on her)
This is one of the most detailed reviews we've ever received! We're so grateful you've enjoyed Lowryder's legacy. Welcome you to try something else from our assortment ❤️
@Doctors_Choice, thanks to the entire team of Doctor Choices and Joint Doctor in particular for everything you do. I will definitely try your other varieties. <3