Some problems with nutrient burn, but it was clearly my stoned mistake. All 3 females started to form buds after this week starting flowering nutrients. I was trying to puah them all to their limits and really thought that i was going to kill 1 for science, but this bitch survived and is healthy as fuck with only brutal defol training. Retarded seed now is growing good and could become a monster after additional week of veg, but I dont have place for that, because all my attempts to sacrifice plants for acience dis not work and they are healthy(more or less). No stretching really, but it is juat a strain like that. The heat outside is killing me and plants, but the temperature does not go beyound critical 30 and rhino skin with b-52 somehow help with heat stress.
The lights are actually bad- k3 l600, viparspectra. Yeah u can get somewhere with these, but I got them just because these were the only one that I could get that time. I would go with bridgelux and cree cobs or quantum boards if u ask me. I am changing to HLG quantum boards. Even my current "cheap" and "effective" lights are not cheap and not effective at all.