going alright for now. still bleached tips on bigger fan leaves mostly and i’m defoliating some of those and stripping lower nodes almost daily. still no signs of flowering but they’re sexually mature and showing sex. in a week or two i should start seeing budlets forming.
i love the adjustability of these 4 individual fixtures. i was worried about marginally lower umol/j of these lumatek attis 200w for a second but yeah i dont think it’ll disappoint in the end either. at this point 3 of them are at 60% and the one over the dinachems pots is at 40% still.
so i’m pretty much satisfied with the tent atm. still a little overfed but this is a plain water grow so i’m not too worried about it. they’ll grow out of it in the upcoming weeks.
the canopy is almost full now and cannalope is catching up with the caribe as well. lets see what tomorrow brings.
so thats about all for this week. also i watered the destroyers today with about 4L of water. i water weekly at this point which is the biggest advantage of plastic pots besides not allowing the edges to dry out. i have been a hard supporter of fabric pots in the past but at this point all i can say is fuck ‘em. they have huge disadvantages which offset any possible marginal advantages they offer.
so see you next week. peace!
@m0use, i’m interested in cbg somewhat because i read mostly sativas exhibit high cbg content and it has a focusing effect which i like. so thinking about ordering some ethiopian from ace seeds to try it out because it has high cbg as i read. though there is no proper way to breed for it without lab testing of course and i dont have access to that kind of privilige but still when i finally order and grow them out i’ll make crosses and selectively breed according to effect to maybe get some cbg heavy gals. these are all plans at this moment of course :)
nice chatting with you as well pop on anytime you want.
take care and happy growing!
@crimsonecho, I'm branching off into CBD and CBG now, but I will grow them out for some friends to try and gift it away. I did grow their OG Kush CBD before and it was proper. Still to strong for me but my friends loved it. It had some seeds form on the plant and I grew them out as well. that's the diary on my profile. Ran into some WPM so had to chip early but still a+
Good luck with everything!
Nice chatting with yea.
@m0use, yeah i’m just sending my best wishes to them i also think its gonna be a long long limbo period there. i just love their dinachem so much i cross it with everything i reverse. made like a 1000s1s as well. that should keep me going until i find another killer pheno to hold :)
if you havent grown dinachem yet i highly recommend it unless you’re and indica fan. its not very indica. i’m a sativa lover so i like it very much haha
For future reference if you go buy those tackle box separators and connect them together, you can place them upside down in those buckets and use them as a root separator. I use them and it makes it a whole lot easier to separate all those clones when the roots start to grow together. I learned that trick when I had to figure out a way to keep the roots from wrapping and loosing a week or so or stress.
@Itsgnomegrown, yeah but that means i’m not growing in 74l pots anymore, if i do that than i’m growing in pots restricted by the volume of the dividers which doesnt work well for me. i’m really ok with a little competition and not very worried about it. but i’m sure someone reading this may utilize that trick so thanks for sharing.
@crimsonecho, we’ll now that I think about the separation tabs would work on both. The separators are those little plastic tabs that make a bunch of squares to put the lures they have them in jewelry boxes and tool boxes also I think there actually called slot compartment dividers though. They would keep the roots from gifting at all and they would be a tie lol
@Itsgnomegrown, i really have no idea what tackle box seperators are but thanks for sharing the trick. i assume you mean using them in their final pots which is about 74L in volume, i am not really very worried about some competition between them. i’m not gonna veg for long anyway. i’m flipping them this monday and i expect a little bit of competition around the rootzone anyway. especially between cannalope and caribe. i wanna see which one is gonna win haha
Bonjour, j ai vu que tu as changé tes lumières par 4 Lumatek de 200 W, ça doit coûter un bras, et quelle surface de tante as tu ?? En tout cas, ça donne bien, bravo
@Dolfom, it costs less than 4 individual mars hydro fixtures but more than a single 650-700w fixture.
i got a deal on these because i bought 4. they took off like 15% so that was nice. plus these are so much better built than mars lights and a single fixture was out of the question because i always do multi strain grows and pure sativas are extremely stretchy while hybrids tend to stay much more compact. it still costs a lot of money though, thats true haha
i’m happy with my choice thus far. gals seem happy under these.
J ai pas tout compris dans les commentaires, les abréviations je ne les comprends pas tous. Ton set à l air très intéressant et je vais suivre ça. Bonne culture
@Dolfom, oh i see its something someone else wrote haha
yeah wpm is “white powdery mildew” a fungal disease that grower had during late stages of flowering.
there is something about companion planting which enhances phenolic compounds of the original plant. this is an old technique used in organic gardening. basil is good for tomatoes for example, tastier tomatoes without any effort. basil gets the job done. i wanna see if it works for cannabis as well.
so i’m not gonna get basil smelling cannabis in the end but a more pungent smell from the plant in general. at least thats what i hope :)
@crimsonecho, WPM c est dans un commentaire au dessus mais bon passons.. après pour le basilic, il faut tester, on a bien toute sorte de goût maintenant , perso je trouve ça de trop (fraise, banane, cerise, caramel, fromage) donc pourquoi pas basilic 😂 j attend la suite avec impatiente
Houa c est magnifique, j adore ta configuration avec ces grands bacs, on dirait qu'ils sont en milieu naturel, ça se voit qu'ils sont épanouis et en forme. Hâte de voir la suite. Bon grow
@Dolfom, next stop bud city! population “moi” hahha
how about my french huh lol
yeah i like the setup i’m actually thinking of doing something similar in my 2x2s with 60x60cm pots. no till, just grow :)
@love_2_grow, yeah i think so too. just got tired of dealing with fabric pots and small containers (5-7gal) they dont work well for sativas imo. especially destroyer prefers good rootspace. expecting less work with even better quality hopefully but even if the quality doesnt improve much i’d be ok with it. i dont have any complaints on that front really just got tired of everyday waterings in fabrics :)
i’m optimistic about it did a test run in a 2x2 with a very similar soil mix and the results are looking fine thus far.
@Nickname11123, extremely :)
destroyer is thai x (mexican x colombian) if i’m not mistaken.
caribe is jamaican lamsbread crossed with nl5haze and backcrossed to jamaican again.
cannalope haze is 95% sativa by breeders description but my original genotype was very landrace-like, maybe more leaning towards its mexican parent i dont know.
the most indica thing is dinachem x peyote cookies which is a personal cross and that should be a heavy indica in theory, we’ll see soon :)
@Rodamis_Prime, light itself looks high kelvin to my eyes like 4000K or similar but has a very yellow/red rich hue in photos. must be the deep reds in there. i was worried that white light was gonna limit stretch but it was only white to my eyes apparently because i dont notice any reduced stretch compared to my diy 3000K cob setup. excited to see the buds :)
@gottagrowsometime, thanks mate they have ample root space finally and got rid of those fabric pots as well i think they’ll be much happier this time around :)
Vraiment sympa et très originale cette culture, autant par le choix des variétés, et dans ces très grands pots c est bluffant. Et tout ça sans engrais pour l instant. Une inspiration. Bravo on attend la suite.
Very interesting to learn the different techniques you’re using here and the results look amazing already. Looking forward to watching the progress. 👍🏻