Day 14
I'd say that light top dress was successful as there is significant growth. Plants look great!
Still misting when needed, keeping humidity around 50%. Day temps hover around 86° so I need a way to bring that down as the light gets dialed up. The ice cooler is only relieving 2° or 3° and I need roughly a 6 or 7 degree drop. Exhaust fan is off and will drop temps another 2 or 3 degrees but it's going to be a while before it gets turned on and by then the light will be cranked. Room temp is 77° light is at or just above 35%.
Day 20
Over watered. 5 grows, 5 seedling overwaterings. It really wasn't even much more water than I usually give. When they started to droop, I thought they were thirsty and watered them again, so now I'm giving them time to dry out.
Day 21
I'm trying not to be bummed out about this. 3 hours before lights out, I checked again and there has been no improvement. I stuck my finger all the way to the bottom of the pots and they are all bone dry. So my initial thought that they needed more water was correct. I double checked PH (between 6.0-6.5) and watered again.
It doesn't make sense though. This started after I increased the amount of water. Maybe they drank it all, then were thirsty and I perceived their thirst as overwatering. Anyhow, I'll check back before lights out.
Day 24
GDP is dead! I think maybe it was poor VPD. The humifier shut off for a few hours and RH dropped into the 30s while temps were in the mid 80s. That has happened on every plant I've grown and has never killed a plant. They were doing so well. This all started when I increased water and sprayed water through the bottom holes in the pot. Letting them dry didn't work, watering till runoff didn't work either. I put them outside for a miracle. On to the next grow. If these rebound I'd be surprised. If not, then I'm not sure I learned anything. Loss