Week 3 of veg. And within a couple of days of the changes, they all hit their stride in earnest. We fim’d mid-week and they all bounced back quickly despite some cuts being a little on the long side. Approx. 24 days of veg. And they’ve now been flipped to flower. So far, the system has proven impressive despite a failure of our run off pump. Just a cheap bilge pump that was doomed to fail and has since been replaced with something a little more durable. We’ve got some trademark NL variegation showing now and they all stretch from the second node very similarly to the SB. Seems as though we’ve got a good gene mix here but the proof will be in the bud pudding. Should have the males picked out and culled within a week or so. Until then - all is extremely well in this tent👌👍.
@CRiSPrGrow, Cali’s nice dude but you’ll have to venture a lot further north on this continent to get closer to me lol. Still state side works for faster mail deliveries no doubt👍