
CherryPie (auto) - Blimburn Seeds

2 years ago
No top, closet grow
Room Type
weeks 1, 3-7
weeks 3, 5-6
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
11.3562 l
Pot Size
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Cherry Pie Auto
Avg. success
Blimburn Seeds - 92%
Cherry Pie Auto - 100%
Commented by
ChiefWhiteLegs ChiefWhiteLegs
2 years ago
I placed my order on Saturday, order was here next Thursday! All strains are the same price basically which is awesome! And a BOGO! And free shipping for USPS! ALL MY SEEDS GERMINATED! Started 12 have two to my pops and two to my uncle. There is no diarie for Blimburn Seeds Cherry Pie auto, so I'm gonna take extra care and pride with this grow! Wish me luck, any tips, scrutiny, comments are all welcome. Facts over feelings! P Tree Aka Chief White Legs
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Grow Questions
ChiefWhiteLegsstarted grow question 2 years ago
I would like to know if Monroe's leaves look like they have something going on. I have hard water I pH it, but still?!
Buds. Other
Chow_13answered grow question 2 years ago
You got the taco, Heat/Light stress. Either your temp/humidity is in a bad range( Search "VPD Chart" ) or you have to much light going to the plants. Install a LUX app on your phone and see what the LUX is at the top of your plants. your looking for between 45,000 and 55,000 in veg and 50,000-75,000 in flower. These numbers are approximate and will vary based on your phone and grow lights used. a PAR meter is ideal, but that costs a nice chunk of change. Good luck and Happy Growing
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 2 years ago
See the leaves looking kind of canoe like. That is a sign of heat stress. Take GGS'S advice, keep that room cooler.
BiteAwayanswered grow question 2 years ago
It seems like your other plants have the same issues, wilting leaves. Most likely its because vom temp and humidity. You wrote that you have problems with your AC. I would try to get the climate right, somewhere at 25C (75F - 80F) and closer to 50% - 60% humidity. The plants will grow under your conditions, but there may be some issues to come if you dont correct at some point (Slower growth, lower yield, mold). But for now they will definitely grow. Hard water per se usually (on a small scale grow) is not a big problem. Depends on where you live, but "hard water" just means it contains more calcium and magnesium, which is a good thing for the plants. You want to make sure that if you use tap water (which in my region is very hard, actually the "hardest" in my country - around 300ppm) it doesn*t contain possible harmful elements (suchs as chlorine). You can either call your water supplier and ask for the contents of the water, or you can just send a sample to a water testing lab. TL:DR If you live in a developed country, and you can safely drink your water you use to water your plants, its usually fine. If in doubt, leave the water in an open container for a day, to evaporate any possible chlorine (e.g. as in the US). In your diary it states you water with ph 6.5. If not already done, buy a good ph-pen to accuratly set your ph. in early veg, opt for a little lower ph, like 6.3. Later you can go up to 6.5.

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DreamITweek 1
Enjoy growth mate 🍀👋🦄
@DreamIT, well of course I use a few fans I was just mentioning the home unit since this is a closet grow it's pretty much the same as the home.
@ChiefWhiteLegs, never had the air conditioner, I move the air by blowing and with the fans, like in the stone age hahaha Hold on and open the box twice more during the day to let out too high temperatures ;)
@DreamIT, man my AC went out. Like, I need a whole new unit! Glad I'm in veg, it's humid as all get out where I'm at! I'm keeping it close though.
Kalimerosweek 7
Looking good! ✌️👽
ElevatedNoobweek 8
If you remove the rebel flag from the grow area your plants will respond positively. Negativity like that always slows down growth.... Just saying
This post seems quite negitive... I mean its his house after all. I really miss the days when "Live and let live" was still popular 😿
Drgreen13week 7
Looking healthy, happy growing.