Watered with 4 gallons RO, without nutrients or supplements.
She is ready to chop. I watered today and will allow two or three days of darkness. I will then attempt to cut and hang her in the dark. Or just cut and hang and take pics.. I am under the impression that a SLOW dry is best. Watering and three days of darkness should do the trick for a lengthy dry time. She is very strong smelling and dank as hell. I will be sure to maintain a VPD of around 1.5 or 1.6 as she sits quietly in the dark, to prevent any hint of bud rot. There is not enough time to further flush...unfortunately. Ideally I would prefer lower EC and TDS numbers. This would allow her to use up what nutrients and supplements she has stored. But being new and with less than 5 grows, it's all magic to me. I don't have any data on three days of darkness nor do I have data on flushing, so I rely on the Google Gods to provide this information. You call your own shots, I am just learning lol.
I will post more pics later today, but they will the same as yesterday's pics cuz she is in darkness now.
New Trichome pictures along with a few select pics from just before isolating her.
PH 6.5
EC 125.6
TDS 89.2
PH 6.70
EC 1490
TDS 1006