Left both of them in the shot glass for 18 hours then put them in damp paper towel, took them about 24 hour in paper towel then I placed them in peat about 1 cm deep.
The #1 is growing fast and strong.
The #2 when it sprouted, the shell was stuck to the cotyledon and I might have removed it too quickly, that's why the cotyledon tip shows white color and seem to be growing slower than the others, let's see how she grows.
I flushed both pot due to nutrient lock from worm compose that I mixed in. Repotted the 2nd wedding cake and moved her back to the big container again
@MSNL_Seeds, Thank you!, I am impressed with the Wedding Cake germ rate, I have given over 20 seeds to my friends and only 1-2 didn't make it. Very solid germ rate.