The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Eleven Roses - why not a dozen?

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 26-27
weeks 7
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
80 L
Pot Size
7 L
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
13 hrs
40 °C
80 %
30 °C
7 L
1 L
11 Roses is supposed to be tolerance to most everything. However Delicious seeds did not mention heat. After five weeks, two girls are doing very well in adverse condition. Germination – all five seeds popped. Seedling nursing – I broke root on one baby. My bad and one seedling died. Seedling – four developing okay. Transitioning outside – one stunted from transition and was pulled. There are three left. Early veg – Two plants are doing well. Feeding – only earth worm casting. And my growing season starts! I plan to veg these girls for two more months until end of September. With 12 hours light, the hours is shorter and plants grow slower. By then, I hope they are big enough for new batch of Indica buds in my dry season.
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
13 hrs
40 °C
80 %
30 °C
7 L
1 L
สามต้น โตไม่เหมือนกัน ผมจะเก็ยเฉพาะต้นที่โตดีที่สุด ต้นแรก ดีสุดปัญหาน้อยสุด ต้นที่สอง มีร่องรอยของไรแดงบ้าง และโตช้ากว่านิดนึง ต้นเล็กสุด โดนไรกินมากที่สุด โดนหนอนแทะด้วย และยังโตช้า อย่างนี้ไม่เก็บไว้หรอก The phenotypes are sorting themselves. Plant 1 is healthy and growing with no issue. Plant 2 is a bit slower and suffering from mite attack. Plant 3 is not doing well. It is slow with low resistance. And there are more signs of bugs and mite damages. Feeding – after fresh transplant, I only fed them with molasses and sea weed.
1 comment
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
30 cm
13 hrs
37 °C
80 %
27 °C
7 L
1 L
ต้นที่โตดีก็โดนเด่นมาก ทุกอย่างสมบูรณ์ ต้นที่ไม่โตก็เคราะห์ซ้ำกรรมซัด ทั้งไรแดง ทั้งหนอนกินใบ รากก็ไม่งาม คงพอกกันแค่นี้แหละ ยังไม่ได้ให้ปุ๋ยเลยเพาะพึ่งถ่ายกระถางมาได้สองสัปดาห์ แต่ขนาดฝนกระหน่ำแทบทุกวันโตเร็วอย่างนี้ อีก อาทืตย์ก็ได้ย้ายกระถางอีกแล้ว Plant 1 is healthy and growing fast in middle of rain storms. Plant 2 is okay but healthy. Time to say goodbye to plant 3. Slow growing and is a breeding ground for mites and insects. It was raining practically every day this past week, and I did not feed the plant after transplanting with fresh EWC two weeks ago.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
3 years ago
40 cm
13 hrs
37 °C
80 %
27 °C
7 L
1 L
Frequent and heavy rain all week. The strongest plant grew well. And I transplanted her to 20-liters basket on Sunday. The smaller plant attracts spider mite. Time to spray was heavy, spray insect control fungus. And I am waiting for a dry evening to spray. ฝนตกหนักตลอดทั้งสัปดาห์ ย้ายต้นที่โตดีใส่เข่ง ต้นโตลำดับสองเรื่มเห็นไรแดงระบาด ถึงเวลาพ่นเชื้อคุมแมลง แต่ฝนก็ทำท่าจะตกต่ออีกอาทิตย์นึง ได้แต่รอจังหวะ
Week 10. Vegetation
3 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
35 °C
80 %
28 °C
7 L
1 L
Plant 1 is growing impressively well. She has six top branches from two toppings. And she is 90 cm tall. Plant 2 is growing half speed of lnat 1 and is 30 cm tall. I am dragging Eleven Roses in vegging. It is too wet to let her flower. So, I am keeping my solar power night light on the girls. Feeding is by top dressing with a liter of earth worm casting.
Week 12. Vegetation
2 years ago
100 cm
12 hrs
33 °C
80 %
28 °C
20 L
3 L
Show must go on! Week 12th was with century record rain. 8 inches rain almost every day. The streets are flooded. Water pooling in my yard. Tick off “irrigation tolerance” and “disease tolerance”. Eleven Roses strain performs well. In low light she stretches. My plants are in plastic basket. One third of the soil is coconut husk. Soil is well drain. I top the soil with a liter of earth worm casting. It leaches into the soil and keeps plant well fed. Added some Epsom salt and molasses by one soil drenching session. Epsom is for magnesium which is easily leached. Molasses is to maintain microbe with sugar. I should top her one more time next week. She is a bit too tall too early. I am planning to veg for a month longer to avoid rain. I am in the tropic my plants won’t freeze. Scoring stem on plant 1. And I ordered my IBA. Next week, I shall try to root the tops to keep this easy growing phenotype.
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Week 13. Vegetation
2 years ago
75 cm
8 hrs
33 °C
85 %
28 °C
20 L
3 L
Show must go on! Week 13th was with bouts of rain and cloudy sky. Plant 1 recovered five cm of height after I topped her. Plant 2 is growing normally. Moving plant 1 to larger 100-liters pot. I have not tilled the soil for one full year. And its time to dig out and put in coconut husk to aerate this soil. I did not throw the branches that I cut off away. I put each of the branch in bottles with tap water. And there was no fertilizer nor hormone. Also, there is no need for humidity chamber. The entire city is humid. I should top her one more time next week. She is a bit too tall too early. I am planning to veg for a month longer to avoid rain. I am in the tropic my plants won’t freeze. Scoring stem on plant 1. And I ordered my IBA. Next week, I shall try to root the tops to keep this easy growing phenotype.
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Week 15. Vegetation
2 years ago
105 cm
12 hrs
33 °C
85 %
28 °C
80 L
3 L
Eleven Roses takes nutes well and easily clone. Put plant 2 in 80-liters containers to grow a little more before flowering. Plant 1 recovered from mutilation and transplant. Doing nicely. Forcing the ladies to stay in veg with solar power light for two more weeks. Then I would let them flower on the last week of October to be clear from the rain. 12 days after putting branches in plain water, root started on a couple of branches. I then put them in soil with fertilizer. The clones struggled and are in bad shape. Another branch was left in water for 16 days. A few days differences caused root to extend. Clone is doing well in soil. Oh well, where are they selling patience? Cloning in plain water takes about three weeks. This is longer than with humidity dome and growing medium. However, it is simple. And overall less work as I did not mix soil until root comes out.
Week 16. Vegetation
2 years ago
120 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
70 %
23 °C
80 L
3 L
Warm night (instead of hot). The bigger plants recovered from root shock after transplant. Sprayed plant with iron sulfate wtih BAP once. This should lengthen the root in their new pots. And then I spray another dose with calcium nitrate and compost tea. This should let then store up energy to prepare for flowering. For dosage, I used two pinches of each iron sulfate and calcium nitrate for two-liters spray bottle. Plant 3 is much slower and actually doing okay. I don't have the space. And I'll keep the smaller plant 3 in veg until the end of the year. She should give me some extra buds. For enquiring minds, I have a few other plants growing that I am not writing diaries. Included in plant 3 pic are Alpha Buds, BaOX, and Banana joints. These plants were not easy in my climate and cheap grow method. However, they supposed to give effects that are off the main paths. If they are worth it, I'll let their clones grow and write them up next year. Clone from my best growing phenotype tranplanted into container. And the clone got too tall. So, I chopped the top half off. I rather have the clone spread out so I can train and shape her easier. Letting them veg for a week more. Then next week, I'll turn my solar cell lamps off to let them flower.
Week 17. Vegetation
2 years ago
123 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
70 %
23 °C
80 L
3 L
Last week of vegging. I sprayed Eleven Roses with BAP cytokinin to control height. The biggest plant stay at 4 ft tall. With container height, the talles top is at my eye level. Any taller would be difficult for a short guy (me) to maintain. Unplugged my solar cell lamp today. Trimmed of larf branches. The bigger branches are put into clone. I put my cutting in a bucket. Refresh fertilizer by putting about a kilogram of earth worm casting on top of the soil. Mixed mollasses and epsum salt into water and pour about a gallon in the pot. Pic includes clones of Novarine. Still, I have too many clone. So, some of these will make Chisrtmas gift for friends.
1 comment
Week 20. Flowering
2 years ago
150 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
55 %
22 °C
80 L
3 L
Two weeks at about 11 and a half hour of natural day light, Eleven Roses just starting to show pistils. For the past two weeks, I fed her once with generous heaping of earth worm casting. Fed the soil with mollasses twice and sea weed once to increase pottasium content. Also drench the soild once with epsom salt. There won't be much more spraying. So, I sprayed the ladies with aspirin to boost up her immunity, epsom salt to get that magnesium in, a round of iron sufate. And the leaves look strange with splotchy dark green spot. Calcium is okay as the plants are drining well with dry air. Including for inquiring minds are pics of my other plants. And this week visitor was a python. He is small and is only about a meter long. Last week was a green viper. Winter in the tropic is the time for migrating birds. And the snakes come for birds and eggs.
Week 21. Flowering
2 years ago
160 cm
11 hrs
36 °C
65 %
27 °C
80 L
5 L
Four weeks after pulling the plugs on solar cell lamps, plant 1 and plant 2 flowers are developing well. Initially, the first two weeks into flowering was slow. This weeks, the flowers started to develop in a hurry. Trichomes are pooing out. And in 35 degree heat, flowers is dripping wet with delicious ganja smell. This week, hot and rainy weather returned. Oh well, this can happen. I hope December will be dry. Top the soil with earth worm casting every two weeks. Drench soil with mollasses, seaweed, and epsum salt once a week. Spray the plant once with calcium nitrate. At this stage, there is a month left for plant 1 and plant 2. I no longer care about leave color. So, no more spraying and I shall start to remove leaves. Plant 1 is nice and big. She is 160 cm tall in 80 liters pot. Plant 2 is a bit smaller. There are some red color leaves. Temperature is 35 degree C. Red is due to genetic and not temperature. All the plants are also getting enough phosphorus from earth worm casting. So, I think that the red coloring is from genetic and could be from overdosing of iron. Plant 3 just starting to put up wisps of pistil after a week. Clones are coming along. They will test how eleven roses perform outdoor in 40 degree C tropical climate. Also include in the pictures are two IHG girls. One Slurricane and one sugar cane. Stretchy Slurricane phenotype seemed to do better in Thailand than more indica leaning sugar cane.
Week 22. Flowering
2 years ago
160 cm
11 hrs
36 °C
75 %
27 °C
80 L
5 L
Five weeks into flowering. Trichome is showing up on flower cola’s. Rain is back and the last two weeks were wet. Plants are holding up. I have not seen obvious big sign of mold but the smell is getting strong. Could be a sign of mold infection. Time to trim off leaves. Top the soil one more time with about a gallon of earth worm casting. Adding potassium and magnesium by mixing seaweed, Epsom salt, and molasses into soil drench once this week. Also added spray the plants once with brassinolide and commercial compost juice once. Clones are doing very well. Also trying a new thing on cloning. Last time that I tried, air-layering did not get me a good result. However, partial air layering technique worked well. I tied a wire really tight on a growing top stem. As the stem get fatter, the wire bit in. Then the stem forms calluses that later turned into root site. And I do this again with slurricane plant.
Week 25. Flowering
2 years ago
160 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
70 %
25 °C
80 L
5 L
Eleven Roses flowers are juicing up quickly. Loads of sticky trichome on main flower bouquets. Leomony/kush smell dominates my garden. Eleven Roses started off slow but looks like it will take only 56 days of flowering. WIth only a couple more weeks to go, mold started to form on a flower nugget. Well, it had been humid. And next entire week is supposed to be dry. The only thing that I can do is place my faith in Eleven Roses genetic resistance to mold. This throws my cloning plan off a little bit. I wanted put Slurricane and Banana Joint in the two flowering spot being occupied by Eleven-Roses. So, I have to cut Slurricane branches off for rooting now. And it will give Slurricane two weeks to recover before putting her into flowering spot. Last week, I fed Eleven Roses with more Epsom salt for magnesium, seaweed powder extract for potassium, and molasses to keep the microbes going. Also added a quart of milk to 20 liters pail and water the plant with that. Milk is to promote lactic acid bacteria in the soil. Toward the end of the week, I top the soil one last time with a couple liters of earth worm casting. Also started to trim off some fan leaves. By the end of next week, I’ll trim off more fan leaves. This way smaller leaves will extend themselves out and make trimming easier during the harvest. With only two more weeks to go, I still keep feeding Eleven-Roses with earth worm casting, seaweed, and molasses in my normal manner. I really never had problem with fertilizer making buds taste bad. No idea why people are hyping about flushing before harvest. Also I am going to re-use the soil and 80-liters pot in a “not till manner. So, I want to keep soil alive and active. Plant 3 is blooming well. Clones are coming along quite fast. I’ll let them flower around March. And this would put them right in the hottest season.
Week 26. Flowering
2 years ago
160 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
65 %
25 °C
80 L
7 L
48 days in to flowering, Eleven Roses buds are ripening. Top part of cola’s are ready with golden ichor trichome. Lower parts are still having heady high clear trichome. Plant two is still clear. So, next week is the final week. I shall be feeding my flowering plant with milk and yoghurt. It is too trouble some to make well fermented yogurt. I just put whole mile, live yogurt and let the ingredients ferment inside the soil. Yogurt has live lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria triggers trichome production and also produces nice terpene. So, yogurt makes my buds more potent and more flavor full. During the past week, I fed my plant with molsasses, seaweed, Epsom salt, and top dress with fresh earth worm casting. Nice news on the weather forecast. It will be warm and dry. Day temperature is only 33 C, around 90 F. And there had been no more rot this past week. Plant 3 is blooming well. This phenotype dose not like 100 degree F temperature. It does okay with 90 F range. Clones are coming along really well.
Used techniques
Week 27. Flowering
2 years ago
160 cm
11 hrs
30 °C
65 %
20 °C
80 L
7 L
56 days flowering, I shall harvest Eleven Roses tomorrow. Some parts are ripe. They have some fox tails. However, I want to clear the space for my next grow. And I don’t think a couple more weeks will make much of the difference for premium grade buds. Last week, Eleven Roses showed more purple color on fan leaves. It is pretty but I trim off fan leaves anyway. Fed the plants as usual but I added some dilute yoghurt. Next grow will use the same soil pretty much as it is. There is no visible mold and forecast called for dry weather. Timing is perfect. Plant 3 is doing nicely on the third week. And the clones grow quickly in cooler climate. Our cool climate is 30 degrees C during the day and 20 degrees in the early hours. Drying will take a week. And harvest weight / smoke report will be update around the new year. So far, I am very happy with Eleven Roses growth behavior. The strain is tolerance to heat and humidity. There had been a mold issue when flowers went under two weeks straight rain. But it had cleared. After recovery, there had been no more sign of mold. The smell lessened. I think smell is a reaction to mold attack. Nice surprise is the pretty dark purple leaf colors during the last week or flowering. It is nice but personally, I go for effect and production rather than color. This round what I did differently were: Feeding mostly with earth worm casting. Using much more Epsom salt Using less compost tea, less compost tea, no fish tea, no amino acid, no humic acid, no bat guano. Used anti-bugs microbes in soil and both on plant from the start. And stop spraying the microbes after pre-flowering. Switch auxin from IAA to IBA. Cloning without fertilizer.
Used techniques
Week 27. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Eleven Roses effect is first class and is comfortably familiar. No complaint in any sense. Eleven Roses is the buds is always be in my stash. On the other hand, I don’t find it exciting. This is the weed that I come home to but not the one that I fantasize about. Still, any respectable stash can not be without this sort of buds. Eleven Roses nuggets are not huge but they are beautifully dense. Smell varies from plant to plant. Two plants are sweet kush type but plant two has minty/eucalyptus smell to it. For people who likes black buds, some phenotypes will be purple. Buds color doesn’t do anything for me. Taste is classic kush and was smooth right of the drying hanger. There are some kush spiciness blend in with lemony. Highly enjoyable smoke with a rolled joint. Effect comes a bit slow. The first to come was heady Sativa high a bit after finish smoking. Then the indica euphoria started to slide and roll over. Potent and long lasting. I smoked after dinner. And I had a very good evening. Definitely not for partying. It is for private evening getaway good for any antisocial club. Next morning, I still was a little high. Overall, I think the effect was one third Sativa and two third Indica. There was no mellowing effect from CB-whatever stuff. It was straight THC ride all the way.
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Spent 113 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
71.33 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Outdoor, various phenotypes look and grow very differently. Yield varies from fifty to a hundred grams. Taste varies from metallic Kush to sweet lemony kush. On the other hand, effect is pretty much the same. So, to me seeds grow is not totally stable. Some phenotype do better in hot climate. Over all Eleven Roses plants are resistance to over water, over feeding, tropical heat, wind, mites, and mold. Only the phenotypes that had the biggest and most juicy buds suffered a little from mealy bugs and accompanying mold. However, mold did not spread. Resistance was strong and it was the dense buds structure that can cause trouble in wet and hot tropic. No issues whatsoever in growing Eleven Roses. This is a very big plus considering the smooth taste and strong effect that Eleven Roses plants would give. Eleven roses cloned easily enough. Recommend buying a big pack and sort out the phenotypes and do keep a clone going. During flowering phase, smell was strong but far from the most smelly plants that I had grown. Smell become stronger when plants were under attack by mold or mealy bugs. Trimming was not difficult. Fan leaves sticks out for easy work. Sugar leaves were profusely coated with long trichome. Harvest time was 8 weeks on the dot. There were a little fox tailing, nothing to complain about. Buds potency was still on the extreme side even with this little white hair on top of buds. All in all, very solid strains for kush lover. And I am running one more round of clone for my infused coconut oil in the late season. These buds looks decent and I would not rather smoke them than making oil.


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KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 122 years ago
I like your grow.
GYOweedcommented2 years ago
KingSalomonsWeedcommentedweek 222 years ago
Ich wünsche dir viel Glück, auf das deine Knospen keinen Schimmel bekommen. Ich hätte nie gedacht das Thailand eine so hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit hat.
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@KingSalomonsWeed, Bangkok is tropical. Thai landrace is well known. However, these grow in hill country north of Bangkok. And I grow Indica hybrid out door. 😬
HerbalEducommentedweek 252 years ago
Arf, sorry about the mold, keep a watchfull eye in the weeks to come.
GYOweedcommentedweek 212 years ago
This is the best health and trichome coverage i have seen from you. Hopefully u do a nice trim this time to do it justice
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, becuz I usually put up diaries of my first runs. Once i learned what each strain like, i grow clones that do much better than what are in the diaries. Some time “new” strains are just the same stuff as i have grown before. Only with different names . So, this skunk x afghani blend is in well familiar territory.
GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, still better than last year. Dont be so humble
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, plant health has a lot to do origin of genetec vs sesonal sun intensity and temperature. This is my primary growing season for stretchy kush leaning plant.
GYOweedcommentedweek 212 years ago
Grower: how much does your slurricane stretch? 2x 4x etc? Inhouse Genetics: yes
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, mine are getting tall. And they will only go into flowering after four mor months. Time to take prepare for topping to control bush shape. And I might as well take some clones.
FrankFarmcommentedweek 73 years ago
สวัสดีคับ very lovely diary kub พี่ 🙏
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
💚 @FrankFarm, ปลูกสวนหลังบ้านครับ
HerbalEducommentedweek 272 years ago
Looking good 👍😃
RookieGrowerTHcommentedweek 202 years ago
Nice Dairy 😊😍 Can't wait to see them in Flowering Stage.
GYOweedcommentedweek 83 years ago
it has been raining heavy here too I just noticed this is Appalachian Kush x Sugar Black Rose Appalacia is relatively humid like florida and has a lot of rain, and the best part is the people there like to get reaaalllly effed up so your keeper should be frosty and resilient. You'll be playing the banjo in no time Mr. Tropic.
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
😀😀😀😀😀 @GYOweed, actually there is a local version with 3-strings instrument. I only built guitar and ain't worth sh*t playing them.
GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, how's the banjo business?
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
GYOweedcommentedweek 262 years ago
Does it smell of roses
GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, do u remember the days u used to have smaller nugs with bug semen and mold everywhere? Im so proud of u now. Ive been pretty nostolgic lately
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
😀😀😀😀😀😀 @GYOweed, lemony afghani kush
GYOweedcommentedweek 162 years ago
Did the slurris survive
GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, yes the strucure you mean, it's stretchy and lower yield but smells and tastes amazing
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, i still have'nt update. One plant is okay. The other is too slow. In general, s;urries are slow in my climate. Feel like they are slow sativa than a proper indica. I also have a sugar cane from IHG growing. Seemed to be more "indica" like than the slurries. This week end, I think I would have time to spend on my garden. It is time for me to finally put plants ito flowering. Shall snap a few pics to up date.
Shooeycommentedweek 272 years ago
Great stuff med. Really nice job on these, the end product looks spot on . How's the bugs! Was that the only bud lost to them?? I don't think I've seen them in AUS. We do have these tiny like moths that leave a white powder on everything it touches. It reminds me of that with the white colour! Another great grow and diary med 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@Shooey, these bugs flies about. Laid eggs. Have powedery protection. Then burrow in bettween flower buds. My anti-bugs fungi don't quite work on them. These mealy bugs secrete syrup to lure ants. Given a chance, ants woudl farm and protect these buds. The bug syrup is a cause of mold. I "lost" aout 10 grams due to these. There was not much rot. But I separate the buds to pervent them sreading mold in my curing boxes. These "lost" buds are ususally my tip to people working on my house on odd jobs like servicing my air condition units and heavy yard work. It is troublesome to dispose of branches and leaves from my trees. So I have people who do this professionally help me.
GYOweedcommentedweek 252 years ago
I had an idea, cant u just ship that to the uk, call it thai cheese. Add some tobaco in it too theh love that
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, 😀😀😀😀😀 I grew a straitn call Stinking Bishop before. It was actually pretty good. Except that I got a boner everytime that I smoke it.
GYOweedcommentedweek 202 years ago
I noticed you took an under skirt pic.
Med_in_Tropiccommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, dirty old me. 😁
GYOweedcommentedweek 53 years ago
I will summarize. Seeds, time, grow
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@GYOweed, yeah, good idea. I should tally the cost of all input minus labor.
Kin_Gcommentedweek 27a year ago
Roses are red, I chose this strain and it will never be dead, it hits like lead, straight to the head.
HerbalEducommentedweek 272 years ago
Happy harvest 😃
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 252 years ago
Nice garden buddy
GYOweedcommentedweek 252 years ago
Good u caught it i also look for any disfigured leaf points me to bugs or issues. All that good prune job too.
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 212 years ago
Nice outdoor grow buddy 👨‍🌾🌲
the end.
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