
Gold Ol' Days #2

2 years ago
Gold Ol' Days by Humboldt CSI
Custom 120x60x200
Room Type
weeks 5
weeks 5
weeks 5
weeks 5
weeks 5
Canna Terra Professional
Grow medium
30 L
Pot Size
0.8 L
Germination Method
Rockwool Cube
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 4%
Gold Ol' Days by Humboldt CSI
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Gold Ol' Days by Humboldt CSI - %
Commented by
GrowwUp GrowwUp
2 years ago
They all popped out around 4 days after left directly in rockwool cube. This time I haven't left the seeds soaking in a glass of water for a while like I used to and they turned out just fine. So I'm sticking to this method from now on as I haven't lost any seeds since using it. This grow I'm using CANNA Terra Professional as substrate for the first time instead the soil mix I've been using since my first grow.
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Northern_Entcommentedweek 42 years ago
Hey there. Seems like you’re doing alright with your grows, but In response to your request for some tips I’d start by saying I’m an outdoor grower with limited indoor experience. Number one tip is use pH and TDS meters (I think lots of people just try to guesstimate and that’s just not worth it). I use vinegar to adjust pH and it doesn’t take much in some waters. Number two is fermented plant juice, specifically the cannabis tops picked in early morning (or at lights on). FPJ can be made with all kinds of things, but cannabis tops are great if you can get them. That FPJ is very potent and it seems a few low strength doses is all it takes. Number 3 is mainlining your indoor plants to control shape. A bit scary at first but gets easier with practice. See Nebula Haze tutorial. Number 4 is for kelp and humic acid blend, and Gaia Green for Power Bloom. And experience. Just try stuff and see what works. And study up on Growdiaries but that’s a given since you’re already here. Cheers.
Northern_Entcommented2 years ago
@GrowwUp, you’re welcome. It was fun to try and think what the main tips would be. Good luck.
GrowwUpcommented2 years ago
@Northern_Ent, Wow. That's a very appreciated comment! I'll sure have a look in some of those which I haven't even heard about and new knowledge is always welcomed so thank you! I use a TDS & PH meters and I keep an close eye in both of those since my first grow. Mainlining is something that I've been looking forward to try for a while. Thanks for the motivation!
HighBigFellacommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck and enjoy your grow!
Wishar_Gardencommentedweek 52 years ago
Nice setup you got there, good luck with the gals 🙏
Drgreen13commentedweek 52 years ago
Looking healthy.