Day 107 (1611/2022): 77 th day of 11/13?
The 3 x 3 Malawi x PCK and Zamaldelica x Kali China were harvested 5 days ago and are drying since.
Harvest for the 4x4 within a few days.
Salut l’ami
C’est reparti pour un tour …
Hâte de voir l’évolution de cette nouvelle culture
Convaincu que le résultat serra bluffant 🤩
Bonne continuation 🌱-🌿-🌴-🌳 🤟
@@Weedelfe, that's gonna be my short-cut to Jack Herer… really looking to grow an Indoor from NukeHeads. They have some really interesting strains. (thats right cody)
@@Weedelfe, I like it a lot though there was a moment when i had a very high humidity (over 80%) in the grow room and the dimmer went crazy jumping from 500 Watts to the full 730 and back by itself, but after i got my humidity in order the problem fixed itself. Overall it's a big upgrade for me, before i had some 530 Watts in LED lamp that i bought in 2015 with violet spectrum. And i also think it's great value for $
@Anonymous_2022, Thank you Anonymous2022 ! This is not a complete disaster but.. because of my errors they don't look that good (compared to previous Ace seeds grow) . Maybe a little burned :)
and they won't give as much as expected. Better last time and hopefully next time
@Fuck_Autos,Of course it's also a matter of personal taste but I really think you can't go wrong with the ZKC and Panama and that you won't be desapointed. Glad if it helped you to make your choice.
There should be a follow icon on the right side of my profile. Yes, I've got socials and YT channel but not related not my growing experiences that I keep for this place :).
Maybe you can leave a note to growdiaries, they are responsive if this issue persists.
Anyway, next grow' seeds are germinating since..yesterday: Zamaldelica x Kali China 3rd round, Colombian Jack 3rd round, Amnesi k lemon 2nd round and Do_G 2nd round this time.
Good news I think that you can follow diaries too hahaha :)
@@@Weedelfe, wow thank you so much for the detailed braeakdown! Most of those are the very ones I’ve been considering - especially the Kali x zam and Panama - so this has helped more than you know! Thanks so much @weedelfe! I’ve tried to follow you but there is no follow button on your profile :( have you got YT or socials?
@Fuck_Autos,All great but don't forget that they had an od of molasses for several weeks.. So:
- Malawi x Panama 8-9/10. I grew Panama just after and it's a 10 for me.
- Malawi x PCK 9/10: 1 PCK dominant reddish tripoid pheno -my favorite- (taste and effects, deep and complex, 1 PCK dominant green pheno, good but not s good. I grew again 2 of them just after and got 2 green phenos: 1 PCK dominant, very similar to this one but stronger ( no molasses od this time )
- Killer 5 Haze: Electric sativa, nice taste, strong not as potent as expected. 8-9/10
- Zamaldelia x Kali China : My favorite ! 10/10 Very strong crisp lemon flavor /taste and smell. Tastes as it smells. Quick and strong effects, very well balanced although leaning a bit toward sativa. I grew it again just after: More bushy plants this time, still stronger smell and taste, great effects => Definitely will grow it again next time.
D'accord l'ami merci pour ta réponse et ses quelques précisions.
Je l'utilise aussi c est vrai qu'il est un incontournable pour les forte chaleur , je te rassure même pour les meilleurs il arrivent parfois de rencontrer quelques problèmes,nos belle sont parfois capricieuse.
Bonne culture tout de même l'ami 😉
@Budbitman,Hello Budbitman, Thanks for the compliment. Because of several errors, the culture isn't beautiful anymore (overwatering, underfeeding, etc etc) 😔
As for Elycitor: Normal dosage is 0,3g/L
But it's also made to allow growth during high T° periods (up to 35C max).,preventing plant's stomata from closing.
In this case the recommended dosage is 1g/L. I started the grow on July 31, that's the reason why I used the 1g/L dosage.
No option for weigh for nutrients on growdiaries so I ( wrongly) converted g to ml: 1g = 1/1000 kg and 1L/1000= 1 ml... Not 10 !! Mistake ! I'll have to correct the diary information.
I just saw that you are successfully using the Biotechnology grow and bloom full range :) . Very good choice !! ;)
Have a nice day.