
First Grow

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1-2, 4
weeks 1-2, 4, 6, 9, 11-12
weeks 6
weeks 6, 9, 11-13
Living soil
Grow medium
76 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Venus Blue
Avg. success
Mosca Seeds - 93%
Venus Blue - 100%
Commented by
mlsheahan mlsheahan
2 years ago
I planted 1 seed in a solo cup with Fox Farms Happy Frog. This was placed in a humidity dome under the lowest power of my Viparspectra P1500 at 24" above the top of the dome. She broke the surface of the soil on day 3 after planting.
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Grow Questions
mlsheahanstarted grow question 2 years ago
She took a LONG time to get big enough to flip to flower. I grow in fabric pots and organic soil. I think I over watered in the beginning, but could I have also defoliated too much, too early? How do I know how much water and when? How much defoliation is too much?
Other. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
If you are only giving her 1/4 gallon every 24 hours and she's in a 20 gallon pot, you aren't giving her NEAR enough water! Especially at her age! In 20 gallon pots, I'd be giving her that amount when she was week 3 or 4... I grow in 3 gallon pots and I'm giving my ladies 1/2 gallon every day and they're in week 8 (week 5 of flower - they're autos)... When you water, water enough that you're getting at least 10-20% runoff... this helps clear the soil of excess nutes/salts that may be building up which will eventually cause lockout if not taken care of.... Now that they're in flower, they're going to drink a LOT more... you can tell if your ladies need another drink/feed by the weight of the pot... a 20 gallon pot is going to be heavy even when it's dry so if you try to pick it up right after you've watered with some runoff, try to pick her up THEN... you'll see how heavy she is and can better judge her weight when she's dry. As far as defoliation is concerned, I try not to do any until the plant gets into flower... and then only judiciously.. this article has become my "bible" as far as defoliation is concerned - it gives you the when, the why, and the how ... and explains the rationale for all of it... do give it a read! Good luck!

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mlsheahancommentedweek 122 years ago
Thanks to GrowingGranny for the tips from last week. I was so worried about overwatering (an apparent frequent newbie mistake) that I was severely under watering. The adjustment has been made, and the difference is huge! This is the end of week 3 of flower, and colas are starting to stack up, despite the fairly compact plant size.
Maniscommentedweek 62 years ago
Nice set up and and lovely healthy girl ☘️👌❤️‍🔥 Good luck mate 🤞☘️
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 112 years ago
Very nice Pal. Big risk just doing 1 plant. You'd of easily fit another 2 in there. Hope you get some killer colas.
mlsheahancommented2 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, thank you. I only grew 1 this time just to try to get a feel for it, as this is my very first grow. Next round, I'll be putting 4 plants in the 5x5 space.