gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 62 years ago
Hi buddy. Just looking at your diary. Your EC must be through the roof with ratios that high with synthetic nutrients. What you are using has a lot of salts, especially the calmag.
Atm your girls are in a state of lockout. Tis y your growth has slowed some. As you are now using an auto feed, so with that, you really should never use soil pal. Soil only needs a feed once a week. Maybe twice if you use a 1/3 of what your using.
Just trying to help. I'd turn that off. You really don't need it with soil. You only need water every 2-3 days.
Anyways, flush them, let it dry out, and trust me, your growth will take off. To keep photosynthesis going and so it doesn't throw the plants into hard flushes throw a light 1ml/l of calmag over it to help growth take off. You only want to partly flush, the value of the pot x1.5 should do just fine.
Anyways, good luck pal.