Day 69 (10/10/2022):
35th day of 12/12.
It has been a bit of a panic in both grow tents: Underfeeding, overwatering, lamp to close, fixed fans pointing towards the plants and even power cuts (twice */- 1 hour) disrupting light schedule.
In addition, I didn't react soon enough to the first symptoms.
The grow shop advised to use revive and after 2 days, things are not getting worse and even a little better. I sprayed again some neem oil ( no harvest within next 3 weeks), I raise the lamps, lowered a litlle their intensity. Also changed fans height and orientation and came back to +/-0,8L/day for watering.
Both Colombian Jack suffered and show it. However, they're strong and despite all these troubles kept on fattening . Trichomes are out and started to turn orange.
I learnt again... Fine but I hope that I didn't mess up the grow. 🙏
Gracias por elegir nuestra Colombia Jack de nuevo. Desde Kannbia te deseamos una experiencia de cultivo tan fructífera y agradable esta vez como las anteriores 😉💚🧡
@GMSgrows,Glad to read that ! I enjoyed their cookies haze and amnesi k lemon a lot but i really like a lot better the colombian jack !! Good grow to you 🙏
@gottagrowsometime, Thank you gottagrowsometime ! You will easily . get get more than a nice bud from this lady if you top it/ train it a bit.
Good luck with your grow 🙏