An Exotic most strangely aromatic herb! I mean if you aren't used to your weed smelling like someone squished a ripe banana in your vicinity then this will have you in wonders every time you slowly inhale that mind-blowing fruity terp profile! This strain is a keeper and will forever be a go to for me. The high is exhilarating, breathtaking, psychedelic and morish! The banana flavour greets you from the moment you pop the jar to the lingering flavour left up to 15mins later on your palate and through the middle of that is a whimsical journey of giggles and utter nonsense and joy of it all surrounded by a thick sweet smoke that will make your neighbours jealous! Get out there and support Barney's Farm, they do all the hard work so you dont have to...and do grow Tropicanna Banana if you get a chance. Sticky Buds folks!