Entering vegetation week 5. This might be the final veg week or I might do 1 more. Light intensity is now at 80%, full power still gets too hot and dry.
Northern Lights: Still easily the largest plant, I've tied down the top 2 growth shoots and the lower 2 seem to have caught up creating an equal 4 growth shoots I'm hoping to train horizontally throughout stretch. I'll continue to add soft ties across the bamboo frame to try and maintain apical parity among the 4 shoots. The smaller gushers plant should allow more space for the northern lights.
Afghan Kush: This plant has a very short inter-nodal space so it may not need any LST at all or perhaps just during stretch.
Crack & The Beanstalk: I've now tied down the top 2 branches similar to the Northern Lights and the lower shoots are catching up so looks like this plant is also reaching apical parity.
Gushers: I've now topped the gushers, hoping that by the time I flip I have 4 decent growth shoots on this one.
One thing I'm going to desperately try to avoid is the larger plants over growing and crowding out the smaller ones, specifically the Northern Lights growing over the Afghan Kush during stretch. I might try to mitigate this by topping the ends of the main growth shoots adjacent to the neighbouring plants.