Had to super crop two bud arms for height reasons but I’m glad I did , both bounced back immediately and are looking thic , running a dehumidifier at the intake now until I can get on top of the conditions .
The auto is looking pretty phat , hopefully pull her in two weeks or less .. really need the room to spread grimace out
@PapaNugs, thanks man yeah hopefully fatten them up some more and it’s all smooth sailing .
I’ve looked at heaps of your diary’s , man you grow some real nice smoke , keep it up growseph
Nice grow. Curious if you have like a meaty/savory smell almost from these ?
I grew PP from another “white label” seed company similar to ILGM who doesn’t actually breed, so I’m wondering if they got it from the same source. Mine looked exactly like this with the slight foxtail and just monster buds
@Ezzjaybruh, thanks man . You grow hard yourself.
I know the smell you are talking about from other grows but these two pp smell heaps strongly of almost a cookies strain smell. How did yours smoke ?