This girls been well. Nothing major to report. She doesn't look like she'll be ready until week 9-10 at this point. The hairs aren't turning yet so didn't bother looking at trichomes. Thanks for stopping by
Yeah man looking phat as , I like to harvest mine at first sign of amber so I’d pull soon but you won’t running it longer . Could try a partial harvest of the top buds
@PapaNugs, nah same here man I prefer to take the whole plant . I know some growers that partial harvest and rate it as a yield increaser but I guess you could argue that a new crop could be weeks into getting started in the same time .
@Rangaku, good to know. I'm scared to do a partial harvest honestly. Feels like it'll mess up the plants health for the rest of the buds. I know some people do it but haven't talk to anyone that has
Looks awesome. As far as the trichomes, it's a tough call and I'm a total newbie but I'd probably give it a couple more days if I could resist chopping. I guess it depends what kind of effect you're going for.
@IguanodonDraper, thank you and thanks for the feedback. 👊👊 I know, it's hard to tell on this one. But not sure what the effect would be with such a wide variety of trichomes.