Day 51
1L feed per plant.
Next watering will be plain ph'd water of 2,5L to flush some excess out.
Day 53
2,5L per plant
Plant 1 and 2 show sign of overfeeding. Will be giving plain water again to see what they will do.
Light intensity around 80%
Day 56
Plant 1; pistils are turning. I will try to get the buds fatter but I think this plant was maybe stunted in pré-flower.
Plant 2; is getting ready. Trichomes are milky in upper parts. Sugar leaves have amber coloured mix trichomes.
1 week max to be safe, could be less. No more watering. Putting the plant in drought and stress to ripen the buds more.
Plant 3; still has some work to do but looks healthy.
@izzy89, ye that's the only prob with some autos pal, they don't always grow identical like they should. I move my light a bit further away than usual to stretch my girls. Hope this helps.
A legendary strain grown to perfection!!! Nice diary and your pictures are of great quality, your plants looked happy and healthy throughout, looks like some fire too, you should be proud!