Today, I finally finished setting up the tent. It was quite a mission since I'm still sick with covid and it is exhausting to do stuff. I transplanted one of the girls into her final pot after preparing the pot with some additional myco. The other girl is very shy and just broke through the top of the pellet today after five days. I decided to leave her in the propagation tray for another couple of days until her leaves have fully emerged from the seed.
Overall, it seems like this strain is quite slow growing. Not that that is a bad thing, but the difference to the two autos is significant.
The second girl finally showed herself and discarded her seed helmet. I decided to transplant her into her final pot even though she still is really small. Same procedure as always with adding more myco to the hole before putting in the coco pellet. I also mixed up and gave the girls some nematode water as part of my IPM. Usually, I do that before I transplant but it got delayed due to covid.
Nothing to report, although I almost got a heart attack when I looked at the first girl today. It looked like she had thrip spots on her leaves, and when I looked closely, it looked like powdery mildew. YIKES!!!
Then I remembered that I gave the girl nematode water a couple of days ago, and the leaf spots simply were dried up nematodes from water I spilled on her.
Dammit! I get this shock every time this happens. I should know better by now and wipe off the leaves after applying the nematodes. Oh well, next time. Maybe.
The second girl is much smaller but also a week behind. She will catch up eventually.
Today was the last day in the second week of veg, well, the first week for the second girl. They are still too young to start training, so it's pretty hands-off at this stage.
I foliar fed for the first time today. I mixed up some pure fulvic acid with a drop of soap to act as a surfactant and sprayed the girls just before lights out to avoid any burn-in issues. I plan on foliar feeding like this, once per week, up until the start of flower. My first grow with fulvic acid, so I am curious to see the results.
Another thing I'll be testing for the first time is watering with humic acid once per week. However, the soil still has a lot of moisture (around 50 mbar), so it'll be a while until I water next time.
However, I put some alfalfa seeds in water, and in a few days, I will turn that into a sprouted-seed tea and give the girls.
The lights are running the seedling program, and the measured DLI is around 20. I would like to switch to the veg program and give the girls more photons, but it'll have to wait a while longer until the second girl gets stronger.
@Coopmc, I'm planning on germinating in Root Riot plugs next time. I want to try those since they work great for rooting clones and don't have fabric wrapping.
@Terps_and_Taproots, Thank you! I really enjoy training, and it is my favorite part of a grow. To shape the plant to your vision. I have to shout out to Rows of Green on youtube, as I have learned A TON about training from him. I highly recommend checking out his videos.
As for tacos, I love eating them but prefer my plants without them ;)
And they're off! I'm trying to get me some imperium X but unfortunately because we (the UK) left the EU not many countries wanna deal with us 😱🤦♂️🏻 I'll be following along mate.