The second LED strip light arrived today, and I installed it to cover the right side of the tent. No clue if these sidelights will contribute much, but it's at least noticeably brighter in the lower canopy now.
It looks like my campaign against the pesky thrips is successful. A few days ago, I could find both adults and larvae within seconds when scouting, but today it took me over five mins to find one single larva.
Good riddance!
Almost at the end of week six of flower, the girls are rocking it in the tent, getting fatter and smellier daily.
I still haven't been able to find any thrips, so it looks like the lacewings were effective. The predatory mites that I also added are probably not necessary, but I wanna be sure all those pesky thrips are dead.
There isn't anything to do in the tent now, and everything is running on autopilot, which is excellent as I'm going out of town tomorrow.
I gave each girl 2.5 liters of water @ pH 6.3, with humic acid and FFJ. That'll hold them over until I'm home again in a couple of days.
@Coopmc, I'm planning on germinating in Root Riot plugs next time. I want to try those since they work great for rooting clones and don't have fabric wrapping.
@Terps_and_Taproots, Thank you! I really enjoy training, and it is my favorite part of a grow. To shape the plant to your vision. I have to shout out to Rows of Green on youtube, as I have learned A TON about training from him. I highly recommend checking out his videos.
As for tacos, I love eating them but prefer my plants without them ;)
And they're off! I'm trying to get me some imperium X but unfortunately because we (the UK) left the EU not many countries wanna deal with us 😱🤦♂️🏻 I'll be following along mate.