The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Lemon Tree

Approved by Barney's Farm
2 years ago
2 years ago
Welcome to my 🍋 🌳 tiny/rare pot seedsman contest diary. So, after going through all my strains. This one, I haven't grown yet. So, let get this gal rocking. Only plan to do a 4wk veg with this 1. She'll go into a 500Ml (pot, of sorts) and will stay that way until harvest. Will be giving the green House feeding full mineral line. Weeks of growth I'll be using grow and cal + Epsom Salt if needed. I'll be using hybrid powder with a booster 30-20 NPK near the last few weeks of bloom.. and for a soil condintor I'll be using bioenhancer from ghf bioline. MY PLANS FOR RARE POT. 02/CO2 INJECTED INTO .75 CANNACURE SPRAY BOTTLE BY 2 WAY AIR PUMP. So, I might aswel tell yall my plan. I have a .75ml cannacure bottle. Have a drainage hole at the end. And have it filled with light mix. Also, as I know its gonna be hard for the plants roots to breath I added my air pump I use for both my DWC buckets. I just made a hole and pushed the tube through a tight hole I made. So, o2/co2 will go straight into this mini little rare pot. Just waiting for seed to get under way. As soon as it has a tap root 1/2cm long. I'll add a few CM of untreated light mix. And place the seed in it, and spray the light mix with plain water. The root will then grow into the conditioned soil, I used bioenhancer from Green House feeding and I'll be using their line as I said. I poured about 75-100ml of a 1g/1L of trap water. Didn't check ph as I know its 9.3. Maybe because it's light mix soil I should have PH'ed it. But it'll be fine. It'll take a few days before the root grows into it. And by that stage there'll be no shock to the young plant as it'll be somewhat stable. 3-5 days in. I'll start on a 2-300 including tap (that's 110ppm) so specs of grow powder will be used at the start to bring my ppm water up a little and as its light mix. She'll be begging for food come day 5, so if she goes off with a bag then I'll apply nutrients 3 days after she's up. Sadly she'll up going under a p1000 at full strength. But I'll have it in the corner and it'll be 100+cm away and I checked the lux and it's in the mid 10k range so that's fine for a seedling. The temperature is perfect at 25 and with lights off 21.5-22.5. RH won't be up beyond 55 with lights on and 65 with lights off. As this is been added to 15 other grows. As None are in small pots. And I think this is somewhat rare. It has an injection of o2/co2 into a tight container on the lowest and middle level. Its pushed into the middle. (I made sure to make the push in with a stick 1st so the tube didn't block with soil) and when its turned on and you block the hole it expands. So airflow through the soil is very gentle but it flows great. I'm looking forward to this 1. Thanks to my sponsor, (rep) from barneysfarm for supplying me with 5 great strains. Much appreciated.
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
97 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
Grow  - Green House Feeding
Grow 0.2 mll
Welcome to my 🍋 🌳 diary. This is for the tiny/rare pot seedsman contest. I have a .75ml cannacure bottle. Have a drainage hole at the end. And have it filled with light mix. Also, as I know its gonna be hard for the plant roots to breath I added my air pump I use for both my DWC buckets. I just made a hole and pushed the tube through a tight hole I made. So, o2/co2 will go straight into this mini little rare pot. Seed has been planted into the sub. I added a bit of dry soil in on top of the wet bioenhanced soil in the spray bottle. The root will then grow into the conditioned soil, I used bioenhancer from Green House feeding and I'll be using their mineral line as I said. I poured about 75-100ml of a 1g/1L of tap water. Didn't check ph as I know its 9.3. Maybe because it's light mix soil I should have PH'ed it. But it'll be fine. It'll take a few days before the root grows into it. And by that stage there'll be no shock to the young plant as it'll be somewhat stable. 3-5 days in. I'll start on a 2-300ppm feed including tap (that's 110ppm) so specs of grow powder will be used at the start to bring my ppm water up a little and as its light mix. She'll be begging for food come day 5, so if she goes off with a bang then I'll apply nutrients 3 days after she's up. Sadly she'll up going under a p1000 at full strength. But I'll have it in the corner and it'll be 100+cm away and I checked the lux and it's in the mid 10k-15k range so that's fine for a seedling. The temperature is perfect at 24/25c and with lights off 21.5-22.5. RH won't be up beyond 55 with lights on and 65 with lights off. As this is been added to 15 other grows. As None are in small pots. And I think this is somewhat rare. It has an injection of o2/co2 into a tight container on the lowest and middle level. Its pushed into the middle. (I made sure to make the push in with a stick 1st so the tube didn't block with soil) and when its turned on and you block the hole it expands. So airflow through the soil is very gentle but it flows great. I'm looking forward to this 1. OCT/11TH Seedling Days 0-2. Took a little bit of an unwanted stretch. As its 100cm away from the light. It should of been closer. But, its doing well. There's no mutations or burnt looking tips so, only up from here. Seedling Days 3-4 Good growth this week. Idk if its cause the way the roots are growing and don't have much to expand. And she's stretching a little. I decided to jump the gun a little earlier than I planned. So, I gave a very very light grow feed 250ppm (that's including 110ppm tap)Id like her to me at least 1/3 smaller (stem wise). I checked the lux and even though its nearly 100cm away. There should still be enough light so she should be trying to reach for it. Idk. I just can't move her closer as the light is doing 8 autos 4 every 24hrs and she also gets a 4hr rest by taking her out and into dark space. As I keep my 70cm2 tent running 24/7 as I wap out autos in it. So they get a 36-12 (24hrs under p1000) then when I turn on my FC 3000 they get put into it for 12 hrs, and I take the other autos coming off the 12hr rest the 100cm2 has. (Confusing I know) only way I can juggle so many plants that are different (autos&fems) and try make it work. And it is. I'll update this week as soon as she's up out the ground. Seedling Days 5-7 Plant is on course. But, I have a bad feeling. As my poxy AC intake failed to kick in when Temp went up to 30c and ran for that for 12hrs without venting. And I had the Air pumps turned on. So, she was getting 28-30c air blown into little bottle. So, sadly. I had to flush her with A h202 mix. GRRRRR. I know it was too long of high temp been pumped into it. That's gonna f..k it. Fingers, toes and nose hairs crossed I'm wrong. But I know this lady does not like hot conditions in small spaces. Let's see. Maybe it could be the injection of the air pump maybe it's too early. I had to turn it off today anyways. Room temp was coming into 23c by so had to go off. But, hey if this is a by product of quick growth. Then I'll all for it. Let's roll onwards. Seedling Day 5. Had to put a bit of tube in so I could tie the stem. Is it me or has she got even taller. I personally think..she's growing much faster than a normal fem. But it's early days and won't know true results till I reach day(s) 14-21. Then I'll get the measure of her. Air pump has been turned back on. As room temp is back down to 21c. So, its safe to be used. Shout out to my sponsor from barneysfarm who hooked me up with great beans. Much appreciated.
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
9 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
97 cm
850 PPM
Nutrients 2
H202 6% 10 mll
Grow  - Green House Feeding
Grow 0.2 mll
Welcome to my Seedsmam Tiny/rare contest Diary. VD9-12 Again with this strain. Picked up something in her infancy. She either got a disease. That I can't put my finger on. But, defo too early to be anything other than what it is. A disease.. I used 6% H202 last week when this started to show.. seems to have helped. Decent growth this week. (Made up a 50ml solution..1/5 ratios h202/water) Will be keeping a close eye on this one. Hoping she'll pull through. Not giving up on her as of yet. Her growth is ok. And there is enough to push her through to get some decent growth to push her into full veg. Stem is still very thin.. and a lot longer than I'd like at this stage of growth. Thanks for dropping by. Drop a like or comment so I can visit your diaries. Either way, thanks for dropping by. Shout out to my sponsor, (rep) from barneysfarm, much appreciated for sending me great strains. Hope now I can do em justice.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
97 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 1
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
Welcome to my Tiny/Rare Pot Diary for seedsman contest. Wk 3. Days 15-21. Plant has picked up this week. Leaving behind her issues from the 2nd week. (Which I now know where caused by the extreme high PH bioenhancer adds to the soil. On normally terms it would be fine. But, as I used a light mix soil.) I found out again the hard way coming into the later stage of this week. More PH issues showing up on the healthy growth. (And it came 2 days after adding the bioenhancer, all I need to do, is treat it as if it was coco and PH the bioenhancer to bring it back down to 5.8 ish.. just until the soil has had time to change itself and have better nutrient uptake. (So anyone using bioenhancer with biobizz light mix soil, pH it as it says to do as if you were using coco) Other than coming back into PH issues. The plant is doing fine. Locked out of certain things like calmag at this stage. I should of mixed some all mix with it, and I doubt I'd be having any issues at all. But, growth has been good this week. Hopefully this will be the last of my mistakes brought out onto this poor girl. Nodes are growing, and taking a nice shape. For been in a .75ml plastic bottle, I just have to keep her environment, (substrate) in desired levels. The Bioenhancer is meant to give a PH of 9ish with water. But, shouldn't affect any soil but says with coco, you need to PH..It's just I used light mix, and that's more coco than soil, and takes time to be treated. All my other plants took these feeds just fine, as the soil was mixed with all mix soil + light mix. The injection of my AIrPump seems to be going well. But, hard to tell, what kinda impact its having. Thanks for viewing this week. Be sure to drop a like or comment so I can visit your diaries. Either way, thanks for dropping by. Stay safe my friends.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
97 cm
400 PPM
Welcome to my Lemom Tree tiny/rare grow. Week 4- 21-28 Finally things have started to happen with this girl. She's in good condition. Lost a lot of pics but, fortunately this girl was kept up to date. So, there's not much of this missing. Lots has happened this week. She's in really good shape. Very healthy and that gonna veg for 1 more week then flip. I took a few main fan leafs off as the growth below was fully blocked out. And by doing so, within 3 days. I can already see massive difference in the lower nodes growth. Normally I don't like removing anything during veg. But, it was a case of having to. And, it worked out good for me. She's really healthy and Green Have only been feeding lightly once a week. And water. Keeping it very light. And she is responding very well to my methods. 1 more week, and then she'll be going under my FC 3000. Thanks for viewing drop a like so I can visit your diary. Either way, thanks for dropping by.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
45 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 1
BioEnhancer - Green House Feeding
BioEnhancer 1 mll
Welcome to my Lemon Tree Tiny/Rare pot grows for the seedsman contest. Veg Days 29-34Plant is doing great. She done her last week of veg. She's been off grow for the past week and has just been on calcium with Epsom salts + a bioenhancer feed. I'll be moving her under my FC 3000 and then she'll be put under my SP3000 when I get that running. I can see all the roots grow in the bottle. And it looks really healthy. Will also be adding the IR from mars hydro it'll put her to sleep quicker and will induce her into earlier sleep, and give off extra foliage. COUPON FOR MARS HYDRO Use code, "ggs", at any official mars hydro site for a discount.
Week 6. Flowering
2 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
30 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 3
Epsom salt 0.3 mll
Short Flowering  - Green House Feeding
Short Flowering 0.5 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.3 mll
Welcome to my TIny/Rare contest Diary. Plant has moved into pre flower. Sorry about the pics just been super busy. This is of Day 41 she is in pre flower about 3 days now. Not much to report other than she grew about 15cm in her process of flipping. She filled out just fine and has started to push out nice flower /bud sites. Have her on short flowering. Still finding a balance with this stuff. Have upped her dose lightly aa she got a little hungry. She is under my FC 3000 for now. At 100% with my remaining 4 girls that are finishing up this week. Then she will be put under my SP 3000 COUPON FOR MARS HYDRO Use code "ggs" for a discount at any marshydro site.
Week 7. Flowering
2 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
250 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
30 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 3
Epsom salt 0.3 mll
Short Flowering  - Green House Feeding
Short Flowering 0.5 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.3 mll
Welcome to my Tiny/Rare pot grow for the seedsman contest. Keeping this diary simple. DAY(S) 43-49 Plant is doing really well. Am trying to keep on top of her, as she's in such a small pot. It's very hard to store nutrients in the sub more than 2-3 days. She needs feed. Maybe if I upped the ppm but, I'll keep going this way and watch her. Her roots are growing well. And has taken a lovely shape. Very hard to apply any LST without putting it in a pot and tieing it down so I can hold nodes in place. But, I'm happy with her shape so, maybe I'll focus more on defoliation and node bending when she fully leaves pre flower. Sticking with the ratios and ppm for now. After pre flower has ended I'll add green house feeding PK booster. And bring the PPM up 1-200.
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
40 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
450 PPM
55 %
19 °C
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
25 cm
400 PPM
Nutrients 4
Epsom salt 0.3 mll
Short Flowering  - Green House Feeding
Short Flowering 0.5 mll
Calcium - Green House Feeding
Calcium 0.3 mll
Welcome to my Tiny/Rare contest Diary for the Seedsmam. FLOWER DAYS 49-56 Plant is doing really well. Is more like a coco grow as its very demanding for nutrients. Have been going very careful and it's been hard not to go over. But I'm going to try adding the PK booster now and upping the PPM by 250 or so. Am going to let her finish up with pre flower fully and when she's half way into Ripening I'll defoloate and lollipop more of what I think will be a hindrance to my top buds. Keeping temperature and RH steady and in normal ranges. 50-55% RH and temperature with lights on is 21-23 and with lights off it can go as low as 17c at night. She was on during the night and I let her 12hrs lapse the other night so she goes under the light at the hottest part of the day and at night she gets as cold as my dark room will allow.
Week 8. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So, sadly I was held up and couldn't get back in time. and my plant went 10 days without light and feed. She shrived up and dried out. Was very harsh due to chemical cough. (Synthetic nutrients dried into bud) and was harvest read when I got back. She could of done with another few weeks. Did develop a lovely fade. There was a week I was behind and she was a little more done. (But sadly lost the pics)
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Spent 58 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
50 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Harvest was just pult the bud it the nodes. Was very sticky and I'd of loved to see the buds actually finish up and get a nice test. But hey.
1 comment


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Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck bro 🌱
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, yeah. Nah not yet. But I've seen lots of diaries on it. There's just sooo many strains out there. I'll get round to them. Will look into it.
Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, im not sure, i first tried it in Amsterdam its a Kosher and Tangie cross but damm it was good! Ahh youve made me want kosher now 😂 i want to do a grow when i get around to getting some i think kosher cake is a defo now 👌
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, no, but is on the list I wanna try. Does ILGM make that.??
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@homerjgangia, cheers buddy. Thanks
Cyrusdaviruscommentedweek 02 years ago
🍋 🍋 🌳 🌳 😁 good luck 👍 💪
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Cyrusdavirus, thanks buddy. I put up the way I'll doing it. 02/co2 injected into soil. Should be fun. Thanks for dropping by.
ZoobZoob_farmZcommentedweek 12 years ago
Good grow and good luck!!!!
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@ZoobZoob_farmZ, thanks my friend. Delving into new ways to grow. Should be fun. Thanks for dropping by.
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, you to my friend..
Ned_Schneeblycommentedweek 32 years ago
Lookin good bro
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Ned_Schneebly, thanks buddy.
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 32 years ago
Good luck for the contest 🌲👨‍🌾
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Ju_Bps, cheers mate.
SlowpokeFuegobudcommentedweek 52 years ago
Good luck for the contest, buddy!! 💪
Ruind_greenerycommentedweek 12 years ago
This looks like it will be an interesting grow! Good luck with the grow and contest!
gottagrowsometimecommented2 years ago
@Ruind_greenery, cheers pal. Thanks for dropping by.
Sour_Dcommentedweek 82 years ago
Looking good buddy! 😍
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 62 years ago
Good job 🌲👨‍🌾
ClydeGrowscommentedweek 62 years ago
Good luck for the comp! And thanks for adding so much detail in all your posts it really helps us new to the game out 🤙
Ned_Schneeblycommentedweek 82 years ago
Merry Christmas m8!
Ju_Bpscommentedweek 82 years ago
Comgrat and good luck for the contest 👨‍🌾🌲✂️
the end.
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Lemon TreeLemon Tree
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