I forgot to add that I used Humboldt County's Snow Storm Ultra from weeks 7-10 as a Foliar. Notice the snow coming in on the girls rather nicely. It isn't wise to use this within the reservoir. It has to have something organic within it. It gunks up the air discs and water pump. A no-no while running DWC/RDWC. I have been using this for over a year and have had great results when using it as a foliar. With everything going on, I forgot to use this starting at week three. Otherwise, the girls are really strong and stacking up nicely.
No se si estoy mal, Pero no creo que hayas puesto los Buenos valores con respecto a la distance de la lampara y las plantas.. 76cm ? En l'as fotos nonse ven Loos 76cm ;)
No se si estoy mal, Pero no creo que hayas puesto los Buenos valores con respecto a la distance de la lampara y las plantas.. 76cm ? En l'as fotos nonse ven Loos 76cm ;)
I should have flipped two weeks earlier. The problem was in another tent. With my portable ACs out, I have to leave my tents Open. They were ready to be flipped on week 6. However, In another tent, I had one plant that was growing very slowly. I should have cut the plant down and flipped, but I waited it out, thinking it would catch up. BAD DECISION. That's what happened.
leaf growing on the top of the leaf happened to me to.........i think this happens when plant is topped and the highest point left is a leaf and growing hormons go there