-1/1/23 Week Start
-1/1/23 gave both about 20oz of water with miracle-gro performance organic 8-8-8 at 1TBS/gal
--Both Plants seems that the nutrients that were given are causing some problems but should clear up in a few days
--Big Bruce removed some of the dying leaf tips and gave a spray of just water, also removed two larger shade leaves from the main stem near the top
--Baby Brucie removed shade leaves at the four branches bend point, also removed some dying leaf tips and sprayed with just water
--Both Plants sprayed with castle soap water to rip off the neem for it was killing the leaves, then sprayed with water to remove neem and soap.
--Both Plants transplanted from 4 gal to 30L pots, then gave about 42 OZ of water per plant.
--Big Bruce replaced training guiders the way they were after transplant
--Baby Brucie when replacing the training guiders after transplant the top of where the main stem would be started splitting, adjustments were made and patched with wound salve
--Both Plants removed dead or dying leaf tips, also gave some calmag.
-Big Bruce upper branches are starting to stretch, lower branches will not be catching up to the top. Will be removing the large upper shade leave sometime in the next two weeks, no other defoliation until after next week.
-Baby Brucie removed two shade leaves. stem split is still a problem, may try rapping it with twine. New growth is doing good, Hope to see some fat buds during flower.
-1/7/23 Week End