WEEK #14-Dec 29 to Jan 4 (8th week of flowering schedule)
12/31-I'm trying to be really patient on this last batch of buds and make sure they get cloudy and amber. Slowly but surely that is starting to happen. I'm flushing each day now and expect that I will not harvest before Day 98 and might even go a bit longer. I think on every grow of mine to date I could have gone a bit longer and that's what I intend to do this time. New Year's Resolution.
1/1-One branch was falling so I cut the bud that was puling it down.
1/2-The first 2 cuts are now dry and in the jars. I did a very slow dry this time around and based on my math the dry yield was around 17% of the wet weight that went into the tent. These buds were definitely not as dense as the last couple of grows I've done. I don't know if its lower because I let it dry longer or it was the plant...or the grower. Did another chop (#4) of what look to be the most ripe buds after waiting an additional 9 days to harvest. Most of them were cloudy and amber. I'm interested to see how the potency stacks uo with the Day 86 chop. Stopped watering the plant now. I'm trying to see how much decent buds I can get from the lower plant.
1/4-DId another mini-harvest of the lower branches. Got some decent buds but the size and density is definitely getting worse. May be more work than its worth in the end.