10 Blueberry Diesel tester seeds were put in dechlorinated water that was changed out after 48 hours and shaken often to avoid anaerobic bacteria. After 72 hours 7 had tails and 3 were cracked open. I put the 7 with tails in 1g fabric pots and let the other 3 sit for another 24 hours. After 96 hours all 10 were in 1g pots and were watered moderately around the edges. Today will be day 2 since being planted.
@MrMayhem1134, Thank you 💚, and yeah, SBR is a great strain. I did let them veg too long, though, and they streeeeeeeeeeeeetched a lot in flower so I ran out of room. I will take better care with proper training next time! 😁
@love_2_grow, much appreciated as always bro. Seen you grew sugar black rose! I love that strain and have been checking out your grow journal. Super detailed man great job!!!