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Diario rudimentario primera exp

2 years ago
Positronic - Cookies
Positronic - Critical
Room Type
weeks 11
weeks 8-13
weeks 12-14
weeks 13
weeks 13
Micro growing
weeks 13
weeks 7-14, 18
weeks 5-6, 11
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 l
Pot Size
0.25 l
Grow Conditions
Week 13
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Propolis 5%
1 ml/l
Top mass
1 ml/l
OG nutrients - OG bloom
3 ml/l
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Micro growing
Commented by
Viccrazyweed Viccrazyweed
2 years ago
Its been an amazing week, now i can understand why Carl Linneus was amazed about this miracle of blooming 🌸 Flowers are starting to grow everywhere, smell isn’t a big deal yet but my girls are just super beautiful 🤩 Colouring is homogeneous ☘️, only a single-couple of leaves showing a bit of nutrient deficiency/excess Critical is becoming literally twice the size of the cookies growing laterally but cookie’s branches are fatter, stronger and harder 💪🏼 Its been a long way but im proud of myself, very pleasant experience, its my first indoor grow and its almost scary how much i have learned ✍️🏼 LST shows an amazing structure and definitely not training your plant its the biggest mistake you can make 🏋️‍♂️ Unintentionally i applied a light cropping and the branches made the bulbs expected, don’t really know if it will show any gains
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Grow Questions
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago
Cada cuanto debo regarlas en esta época? He pensado en hacer fertilizante casero 5% agua oxigenada, 25% agua de piel de cebolla y 75% agua Normal, he mirado registros y el agua del grifo de mi ciudad esta bien en cuanto a ph y ppm, quizás algo de destilada no estaria mal, si?
Roots. Other
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Going to echo what GrowCN has said here... except to caution you not to overwater the plants... overwatering is the state of being constantly wet so no matter how much water you use, just make sure it dries out between waterings. I'll also echo him with your homemade fertilizer... I can't see the benefit ... distilled water has ZERO anything in it.. H2O2 is good for adding aeration to the soil but provides no nutrients... and your plain tap water obviously has something in it since you say it's "fine" in terms of ppm - but what constitutes that ppm - and how do you increase it as the plant, when it grows, needs more and more of different nutrients? So that leaves us with your onion skins... Onion peels have a good amount of plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and copper - but do you know how much of each? How would you adjust to the needs of a growing plant? How would you reduce, for example, the nitrogen and increase the phosphorous and potassium if needed? For my money, I'd buy some organic nutes where all that guess work has been done for you and you can confidently feed and nuture your grow ... unless you really are a chemist and have a means of measuring the relative NPK composition of your onion peels... Good luck!
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago Im trying to improve my poor set up and unfortunately I cannot get any more earns from work than paying rent and food 😔
Setup. Other
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
You can immediately improve your grow by getting that pH down! It's WAY too high, my friend... probably why your one girl is not doing well. Cannabis grows best with a pH of 6.0-6.5 .... not 8! And btw, I think what you've done for your set-up is absolutely marvelous. I converted an old funky closet into a "grow closet" by using some left over silver-faced insulation that was hanging about... didn't have enough of it so I used tin foil... whatever works! You're doing a great job - just get the pH down! Get some cheap strips that will at least get your pH in the ballpark ... and if you can't afford to get some pH-Down, use some baking soda but test the water/nutes for the pH before giving it to your ladies...
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi guys, i am a newbie so i need some advices They have just started their 3rd week of bloom and I don’t know when is it supposed to be the beat time to start defoliating
Leaves. Other
Techniques. Defoliation
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
I like to wait until thellant is done stretching, for sure, to defoliate. So, it's usually week 4-5, for me. When I defoliate, I only remove leaves that cover buds. AND! This part is very important: lollipop BEFORE you defoliate leaves. Like someone else mentioned, taking off the tiny branches and buds that don't get much light will help the plant focus on buds that DO get plenty of light. This makes for bigger buds and less scurfy buds. If you lollipop right, you won't get any scurf at all! Once you lollipop, then you defoliate. If you want to talk more on this topic, feel free to message me on here by clicking the little airplane button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
40Pluganswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes. Perfect in the third week. Try to remove the lower branches that get no light or almost no light at all (Hold your hand inside to see if enough light comes through) .This way your plants don't waste unnecessary energy and produce bigger buds. Happy growing!
GhostRideranswered grow question 2 years ago
Definitely don't do it. As GrowingGrannie said there should be a reason and there are mainly two of them to defoliate 1. To create airflows in bushy, mainly indica, strains to prevent mold (see my opium diary where leaves literally overlap into each other or stack layers because of tight spacing) 2. To provide light to buds shadowed by leaves It seems that you can just tie these branches down to create an even canopy (LST) and this would be the best option. However you should also be careful because into flowering plant's stems become harder (they need to carry all these forming buds), so be gentle not to break it
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago
One of my beauties is showing for the first time a nutrient issue, a couple of leaves are showing yellow colouring, the very rest of the plant is homogeneous deep green so i assume she is almost fine, but i really want to listen to her and care, I think it could be nitrogen def
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Deficiences
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I think I see what it is you're worried about - but I don't think it's very much to worry about! Except for one or two leaves that have some markings on them (the marks may have been caused by liquid spilling on them and then slightly burning the leaves under your light?), I don't see anything wrong with this grow. I know you struggle for the money to do the best by your plants and if you had the money, you would get a better light perhaps or improve other conditions - but you don't have the money and you're doing the very best you can and you're having a very successful grow! I applaud you!! As they say, "where there's the will, there's a way" and you've found the way because you have the will. You are an inspiration, seriously! Do not worry unnecessarily here - there's really nothing to worry about! Good luck the rest of the way.
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago
Today, first of two waterings a week, i saw this little buddies and i don't know if these are good or bad guys If these are good guys then there is no problem i guess If these are bad guys just tell me how to kill them all without harming my ladys or my lungs, please
Other. Bugs
Billyandbarbanswered grow question 2 years ago
It looks like there's more then one bug here. The tiny little guys hauling ass across the top soil and towards the bottom right there is larvae burrowing
richthegroweranswered grow question 2 years ago
I can't tell by the pic. If your in living soil and they are springtails that is awesome. If it's a plant loving mite and not a predatory species (good mites) I hit em with water/peroxide at 3:1 parts and make sure the top inch or so of your soilstays dry sp they can't breed.
Lewd101answered grow question 2 years ago
Diatomaceous earth and sticky traps asap
Viccrazyweedstarted grow question 2 years ago
Guys, my lady has become a milf, 90% pistils orange, 100% milky trichomes but still haven’t seen orange trichomes, i was scheduled to harvest tonight, exactly before sunrise, am i right or should i still wait a couple of days?
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Well if she's a 100 cloudy.. then yes. Chop, chop, chop. She's more than done buddy I'd leave her to dark rest for 36-48hrs. This will increase resin In future. 90-95 cloudy trichs are good. And pistils 30-50 amber and that's the window. But, regardless she'll be fine Hang dry at a max of 18c and RH between 55-60 to stop and shrinkage of bud and to stop any unwanted hay smell if your temp exceeds these aswel as the RH is below 50%. Good luck. Enjoy your mild

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Mr_Autocommentedweek 32 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
love_2_growcommentedweek 32 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
love_2_growcommented2 years ago
@Viccrazyweed, Better light gives more light, and that means bigger plants. I recommend buying the most powerful light you can afford with your budget.
Viccrazyweedcommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, los espejos los puse para maximizar la poca luz que tengo, menos es nada…
Viccrazyweedcommented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, que me recomendarías para dos plantas? Lo mas barato posible en cuanto a consumo y obtención…
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Anonymous_2022commentedweek 42 years ago
Good luck with your grows 💪
Viccrazyweedcommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, muchísimas gracias!! Estaré actualizando semanalmente, cualquier consejo es bienvenido!!
CannbellFarmscommentedweek 42 years ago
Best of luck Growing Brother! 🌱💪
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 82 years ago
Maravilloso trabajo amigo. Cuida el ph con vinagre que será mas duradero para el agua en la maceta. Luego si usas abonos caseros, te recomiendo altamente hacer una composta! Esta te ayudara a aportar nutrientes ya degradados que seran de facil absorcion y tambien puedes buscar lombrices cerca de tu hogar para añadir al sustrato junto con materia orgánica en descomposición para ayudar a alimentar a los gusanos. Busca en internet suelo vivo y composta y tendrá gran información de calidad para tus chicas. Recomendable utilizar agua de grifo con varios dias de reposo para aportar nutrientes ya que el agua destilada no contiene minerales ni sales esenciales 🙌 . Tu espacio de cultivo es rebuscado, eso lo hace hermoso! Somos muchos quienes tenemos espacios hechos a mano para poder cultivar, que esa sea una motivación más para ti! Saludos y buenas cosechas amigo
MiyaguiOkPolillacommented2 years ago
@Viccrazyweed, de nada colega! Lo mas importante es invertir esfuerzo y cariño en algo, cultivar, hacer musica o lo que mas te guste. Dejar reposar el agua de grifo ayuda a evaporar el cloro (sustancia volátil y dañina) por lo que veras que tus plantas se pondrán mejor, pues esta contiene bastante Calcio y Magnesio mas que nada. Interesante tu propuesta de alimentacion con jugos de frutas, los azucares son muy necesarios siempre y aportan gran vida al suelo ya que ayuda a degradar la materia organica por parte de la vida microbiana y enzimática 🌼🕵️‍♂️🍀🐍
Viccrazyweedcommented2 years ago
@MiyaguiOkPolilla, Nada podría haberme hecho mas feliz que leer “maravilloso” como adjetivo hacia mi trabajo, estoy deseando actualizar semana en unos días, yo mismo estoy eufórico viendo cambios diarios en mi niñas, me motiva mucho el poder aprender tango gracias a ustedes y a una primera toma de contacto, sobre todo al bajo coste en comparación a todo lo que se podría haber invertido No sé si estas al tanto, amigo pero el ph he logrado corregirlo añadiendo a las soluciones de riego y foliar unas gotas directamente de naranja amarga recién recogida del árbol, crecen por todo mi barrio, todo el año, no conozco de los beneficios de dejar reposar el agua del grifo pero le haré caso También he logrado añadir algunos alimentos de crop top que junto con el sustrato de canna profesional ya estoy notando ligeras señales de sobrefertilización asíque quizas el compost no sea necesario, no obstante quiero experimentar y añadir a las soluciones algunos jugos de frutas naturales diluidos, a ver que tal les sientan Muchas gracias por el tiempo tomado para examinar y comentar, estoy al tanto a diario y abierto a cualquier ayuda o recomendación
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 162 years ago
Esta de maravilla, que tus cogollos se están haciendo densos y eso es porque la luz cumple los parámetros para formar buenas flores. Has hecho un gran trabajo con estas ramas y se nota en la calidad de los tricomas que brillan profundamente. Saludos y éxitos a todos tus grows !! 🎩💐🌱 Pd: podrías intentar aumentar el reflejo de la luz con papel aluminio evitando filtraciones si tienes la oportunidad y aún no lo has hecho, para aumentar los lúmenes en las formaciones bajas de las ramas para aumentar tu producción si todavía no lo has hecho 😜
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 182 years ago
Pity about the mold. You know when it's dry when you bend a stem "coming from a node" they should snap, but stay together, if it breaks off, you've dried too much, and risk a smell of hay, if dried too much/quickly. It's an art. Ppl dry and have dif levels of moisture they like in their bud. Generally though at min you should get back 1/4 of wet weight. After a few days curing. You'll feel moisture back in the bud. Lots of ppl are tempted to take them back out and let dry more, "them getting moisture back in is a normal process" after 2-3 weeks you're set. I'm still learning the dry/cure process. Even after 30+ harvests. Good growing pal.