First week after germination.
Started to use some BioBizz products. (Root Juice, Bio-Heaven, CalMag).
The water I started with is demineralized and has an PPM of 45.
I moved the lamp to 25in (63.5cm) and turned on the lamp intensity to 60%.
I will start Bio Grow + FishMix + Alg-a-mic + acti-vera in week 2 and remove Root Juice
Water + BioBizz:
Day 1 = 1L each plant -->EC 0.270
Day 2 = 500ml each plant -->EC 0.270
Day 3 = 500ml --> EC 0.300
Day 4 = 1L --> EC 0.300
Day 5 = 1L --> EC 0.300 --> lowered the light to 22inches, Added a humidifier to keep it at 55-60%
Day 6 = 1L --> EC 0.300 --> added a second fan, 1 wasn't enough.
Day 7 = 1L --> EC 0.300 --> lowered light to 17in. humidity 55-60c
I am currently watering manually and decided to not use the Autopot, but instead get two water pumps to extract the run-off and feed. Will add pictures when done with the set up.
Lessons learned:
Should feed with 1L water instead of 0.5L since EC runoff is much higher with feeding 500ml.
I think i could have started with the lamp at 25in once i transplanted it in the final pot.